Commit f19a97e3 by Klimov Paul

Fix `yii\helpers\FileHelper::copyDirectory()` pattern not working

parent 243f0134
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Yii Framework 2 Change Log
- Bug #3311: Fixed the bug that `yii\di\Container::has()` did not return correct value (mgrechanik, qiangxue)
- Bug #3327: Fixed "Unable to find debug data" when logging objects with circular references (jarekkozak, samdark)
- Bug #3368: Fix for comparing numeric attributes in JavaScript (technixp)
- Bug #3393: Fix `yii\helpers\FileHelper::copyDirectory()` pattern not working (klimov-paul)
- Bug #3431: Allow using extended ErrorHandler class from the app namespace (cebe)
- Bug #3436: Fixed the issue that `ServiceLocator` still returns the old component after calling `set()` with a new definition (qiangxue)
- Bug #3458: Fixed the bug that the image rendered by `CaptchaAction` was using a wrong content type (MDMunir, qiangxue)
......@@ -209,6 +209,9 @@ class BaseFileHelper
if ($handle === false) {
throw new InvalidParamException('Unable to open directory: ' . $src);
if (!isset($options['basePath'])) {
$options['basePath'] = realpath($src);
while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') {
......@@ -407,4 +407,42 @@ class FileHelperTest extends TestCase
FileHelper::localize($viewFile, $currentLanguage, $sourceLanguage)
* @see
* @depends testCopyDirectory
* @depends testFindFiles
public function testCopyDirectoryExclude()
$srcDirName = 'test_src_dir';
$textFiles = [
'file1.txt' => 'text file 1 content',
'file2.txt' => 'text file 2 content',
$dataFiles = [
'file1.dat' => 'data file 1 content',
'file2.dat' => 'data file 2 content',
$srcDirName => array_merge($textFiles, $dataFiles)
$basePath = $this->testFilePath;
$srcDirName = $basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $srcDirName;
$dstDirName = $basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'test_dst_dir';
FileHelper::copyDirectory($srcDirName, $dstDirName, ['only' => ['*.dat']]);
$this->assertFileExists($dstDirName, 'Destination directory does not exist!');
$copiedFiles = FileHelper::findFiles($dstDirName);
$this->assertCount(2, $copiedFiles, 'wrong files count copied');
foreach ($dataFiles as $name => $content) {
$fileName = $dstDirName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name;
$this->assertEquals($content, file_get_contents($fileName), 'Incorrect file content!');
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