- Enh #6570: Datepicker now uses fallback to find language files, e.g. application language is `de-DE` and the translation files does not exists, it will use `de` instead (cebe)
- Enh #6570: Datepicker now uses fallback to find language files, e.g. application language is `de-DE` and the translation files does not exists, it will use `de` instead (cebe)
- Enh #6471: Datepicker will now show an empty field when value is an empty string (cebe)
- Enh #6471: Datepicker will now show an empty field when value is an empty string (cebe)
- Bug #5577: formatting date and time values for years >=2038 or <=1901 on 32bit systems will not use intl extension but fall back to the PHP implementation (cebe)
- Bug #5577: formatting date and time values for years >=2038 or <=1901 on 32bit systems will not use intl extension but fall back to the PHP implementation (cebe)
- Bug #6080: Oracle DB schema did not load column types correctly (wenbin1989)
- Bug #6080: Oracle DB schema did not load column types correctly (wenbin1989)
@@ -27,6 +27,61 @@ Yii Framework 2 Change Log
@@ -27,6 +27,61 @@ Yii Framework 2 Change Log
- Chg #6641: removed zero padding from ETag strings (DaSourcerer)
- Chg #6641: removed zero padding from ETag strings (DaSourcerer)
- Chg #6678: `yii\behaviors\SluggableBehavior` will generate a new slug only when the slug attribute is empty or the source attribute is changed (qiangxue)
- Chg #6678: `yii\behaviors\SluggableBehavior` will generate a new slug only when the slug attribute is empty or the source attribute is changed (qiangxue)
### Authclient Extension (yii2-authclient)
- Bug #6502: Fixed `\yii\authclient\OAuth2::refreshAccessToken()` does not save fetched token (sebathi)
- Enh #3665: Better default behavior for ModelSearch generated by the crud generator (qiangxue, mdmunir)
### Jui Extension (yii2-jui)
- Enh #6570: Datepicker now uses fallback to find language files, e.g. application language is `de-DE` and the translation files does not exists, it will use `de` instead (cebe)
- Enh #6471: Datepicker will now show an empty field when value is an empty string (cebe)
### Mongodb Extension (yii2-mongodb)
- Bug #6376: Fixed lazy load of relations to `yii\mongodb\file\ActiveRecord` (klimov-paul)
### Redis Extension (yii2-redis)
- Bug #6547: Fixed redis connection to deal with large data in combination with `mget()` (pyurin)
### Sphinx Extension (yii2-sphinx)
- Bug #6621: Creating sub query at `yii\sphinx\Query::queryScalar()` fixed (klimov-paul)