Commit 8d80582f by Alex-Code


parent 7dfd210b
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ Yii Framework 2 Change Log
- Enh #3252: Added support for case insensitive matching using ILIKE to PostgreSQL QueryBuilder (cebe)
- Enh #3298: Supported configuring `View::theme` using a class name (netyum, qiangxue)
- Enh #3328: `BaseMailer` generates better text body from html body (armab)
- Enh #3380: Allow `value` in `defaultValueValidator` to be a closure (Alex-Code)
- Enh: Added support for using sub-queries when building a DB query with `IN` condition (qiangxue)
- Enh: Supported adding a new response formatter without the need to reconfigure existing formatters (qiangxue)
- Enh: Added `yii\web\UrlManager::addRules()` to simplify adding new URL rules (qiangxue)
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