Commit 2a4a5256 by Alexander Makarov

Merge pull request #1044 from cebe/intl-message-fallback

Intl message fallback
parents d5fd2bfe 750267a8
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\i18n;
use yii\base\NotSupportedException;
* FallbackMessageFormatter is a fallback implementation for the PHP intl MessageFormatter that is
* used in case PHP intl extension is not installed.
* Do not use this class directly. Use [[MessageFormatter]] instead, which will automatically detect
* installed version of PHP intl and use the fallback if it is not installed.
* It is highly recommended that you install [PHP intl extension]( if you want to use
* MessageFormatter features.
* This implementation only supports to following message formats:
* - plural formatting for english
* - select format
* - simple parameters
* The pattern also does NOT support the ['apostrophe-friendly' syntax](
* @author Carsten Brandt <>
* @since 2.0
class FallbackMessageFormatter
private $_locale;
private $_pattern;
private $_errorMessage = '';
private $_errorCode = 0;
* Constructs a new Message Formatter
* @link
* @param string $locale The locale to use when formatting arguments
* @param string $pattern The pattern string to stick arguments into.
public function __construct($locale, $pattern)
$this->_locale = $locale;
$this->_pattern = $pattern;
* Constructs a new Message Formatter
* @link
* @param string $locale The locale to use when formatting arguments
* @param string $pattern The pattern string to stick arguments into.
* @return MessageFormatter The formatter object
public static function create($locale, $pattern)
return new static($locale, $pattern);
* Format the message
* @link
* @param array $args Arguments to insert into the format string
* @return string The formatted string, or `FALSE` if an error occurred
public function format(array $args)
return static::formatMessage($this->_locale, $this->_pattern, $args);
* Quick format message
* @link
* @param string $locale The locale to use for formatting locale-dependent parts
* @param string $pattern The pattern string to insert things into.
* @param array $args The array of values to insert into the format string
* @return string The formatted pattern string or `FALSE` if an error occurred
public static function formatMessage($locale, $pattern, array $args)
if (($tokens = static::tokenizePattern($pattern)) === false) {
return false;
foreach($tokens as $i => $token) {
if (is_array($token)) {
if (($tokens[$i] = static::parseToken($token, $args, $locale)) === false) {
return false;
return implode('', $tokens);
* Tokenizes a pattern by separating normal text from replaceable patterns
* @param string $pattern patter to tokenize
* @return array|bool array of tokens or false on failure
private static function tokenizePattern($pattern)
$depth = 1;
if (($start = $pos = mb_strpos($pattern, '{')) === false) {
return [$pattern];
$tokens = [mb_substr($pattern, 0, $pos)];
while(true) {
$open = mb_strpos($pattern, '{', $pos + 1);
$close = mb_strpos($pattern, '}', $pos + 1);
if ($open === false && $close === false) {
if ($open === false) {
$open = mb_strlen($pattern);
if ($close > $open) {
$pos = $open;
} else {
$pos = $close;
if ($depth == 0) {
$tokens[] = explode(',', mb_substr($pattern, $start + 1, $pos - $start - 1), 3);
$start = $pos + 1;
$tokens[] = mb_substr($pattern, $start, $open - $start);
$start = $open;
if ($depth != 0) {
return false;
return $tokens;
* Parses a token
* @param array $token the token to parse
* @param array $args arguments to replace
* @param string $locale the locale
* @return bool|string parsed token or false on failure
* @throws \yii\base\NotSupportedException when unsupported formatting is used.
private static function parseToken($token, $args, $locale)
$param = trim($token[0]);
if (isset($args[$param])) {
$arg = $args[$param];
} else {
return '{' . implode(',', $token) . '}';
$type = isset($token[1]) ? trim($token[1]) : 'none';
case 'number':
case 'date':
case 'time':
case 'spellout':
case 'ordinal':
case 'duration':
case 'choice':
case 'selectordinal':
throw new NotSupportedException("Message format '$type' is not supported. You have to install PHP intl extension to use this feature.");
case 'none': return $arg;
case 'select':
selectStyle = (selector '{' message '}')+
$select = static::tokenizePattern($token[2]);
$c = count($select);
$message = false;
for($i = 0; $i + 1 < $c; $i++) {
if (is_array($select[$i]) || !is_array($select[$i + 1])) {
return false;
$selector = trim($select[$i++]);
if ($message === false && $selector == 'other' || $selector == $arg) {
$message = implode(',', $select[$i]);
if ($message !== false) {
return static::formatMessage($locale, $message, $args);
case 'plural':
pluralStyle = [offsetValue] (selector '{' message '}')+
offsetValue = "offset:" number
selector = explicitValue | keyword
explicitValue = '=' number // adjacent, no white space in between
keyword = [^[[:Pattern_Syntax:][:Pattern_White_Space:]]]+
message: see MessageFormat
$plural = static::tokenizePattern($token[2]);
$c = count($plural);
$message = false;
$offset = 0;
for($i = 0; $i + 1 < $c; $i++) {
if (is_array($plural[$i]) || !is_array($plural[$i + 1])) {
return false;
$selector = trim($plural[$i++]);
if ($i == 1 && substr($selector, 0, 7) == 'offset:') {
$offset = (int) trim(mb_substr($selector, 7, ($pos = mb_strpos(str_replace(["\n", "\r", "\t"], ' ', $selector), ' ', 7)) - 7));
$selector = trim(mb_substr($selector, $pos + 1));
if ($message === false && $selector == 'other' ||
$selector[0] == '=' && (int) mb_substr($selector, 1) == $arg ||
$selector == 'zero' && $arg - $offset == 0 ||
$selector == 'one' && $arg - $offset == 1 ||
$selector == 'two' && $arg - $offset == 2
) {
$message = implode(',', str_replace('#', $arg - $offset, $plural[$i]));
if ($message !== false) {
return static::formatMessage($locale, $message, $args);
return false;
* Parse input string according to pattern
* @link
* @param string $value The string to parse
* @return array An array containing the items extracted, or `FALSE` on error
public function parse($value)
throw new NotSupportedException('You have to install PHP intl extension to use this feature.');
* Quick parse input string
* @link
* @param string $locale The locale to use for parsing locale-dependent parts
* @param string $pattern The pattern with which to parse the `value`.
* @param string $source The string to parse, conforming to the `pattern`.
* @return array An array containing items extracted, or `FALSE` on error
public static function parseMessage($locale, $pattern, $source)
throw new NotSupportedException('You have to install PHP intl extension to use this feature.');
* Set the pattern used by the formatter
* @link
* @param string $pattern The pattern string to use in this message formatter.
* @return bool `TRUE` on success or `FALSE` on failure.
public function setPattern($pattern)
$this->_pattern = $pattern;
return true;
* Get the pattern used by the formatter
* @link
* @return string The pattern string for this message formatter
public function getPattern()
return $this->_pattern;
* Get the locale for which the formatter was created.
* @link
* @return string The locale name
public function getLocale()
return $this->_locale;
* Get the error code from last operation
* @link
* @return int The error code, one of UErrorCode values. Initial value is U_ZERO_ERROR.
public function getErrorCode()
return $this->_errorCode;
* Get the error text from the last operation
* @link
* @return string Description of the last error.
public function getErrorMessage()
return $this->_errorMessage;
if (!class_exists('MessageFormatter', false)) {
class_alias('yii\\i18n\\FallbackMessageFormatter', 'MessageFormatter');
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class I18N extends Component
return $message;
if (class_exists('MessageFormatter', false) && preg_match('~{\s*[\d\w]+\s*,~u', $message)) {
if (preg_match('~{\s*[\d\w]+\s*,~u', $message)) {
$formatter = new MessageFormatter($language, $message);
if ($formatter === null) {
Yii::warning("$language message from category $category is invalid. Message is: $message.");
......@@ -7,6 +7,11 @@
namespace yii\i18n;
if (!class_exists('MessageFormatter', false)) {
require_once(__DIR__ . '/FallbackMessageFormatter.php');
* MessageFormatter is an enhanced version of PHP intl class that no matter which PHP and ICU versions are used:
......@@ -14,6 +19,9 @@ namespace yii\i18n;
* - Issues no error when an insufficient number of arguments have been provided. Instead, the placeholders will not be
* substituted.
* - Fixes PHP 5.5 weird placeholder replacement in case no arguments are provided at all (
* - Offers limited support for message formatting in case PHP intl extension is not installed.
* However it is highly recommended that you install [PHP intl extension]( if you want
* to use MessageFormatter features.
* @author Alexander Makarov <>
* @author Carsten Brandt <>
......@@ -34,7 +42,7 @@ class MessageFormatter extends \MessageFormatter
return $this->getPattern();
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5.0', '<')) {
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5.0', '<') && !YII_INTL_MESSAGE_FALLBACK) {
$pattern = self::replaceNamedArguments($this->getPattern(), $args);
$args = array_values($args);
......@@ -57,7 +65,7 @@ class MessageFormatter extends \MessageFormatter
return $pattern;
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5.0', '<')) {
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5.0', '<') && !YII_INTL_MESSAGE_FALLBACK) {
$pattern = self::replaceNamedArguments($pattern, $args);
$args = array_values($args);
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yiiunit\framework\i18n;
use yii\i18n\FallbackMessageFormatter;
use yiiunit\TestCase;
* @author Carsten Brandt <>
* @since 2.0
* @group i18n
class FallbackMessageFormatterTest extends TestCase
const N = 'n';
const N_VALUE = 42;
const SUBJECT = 'сабж';
const SUBJECT_VALUE = 'Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything';
public function patterns()
return [
'{'.self::SUBJECT.'} is {'.self::N.'}', // pattern
self::SUBJECT_VALUE.' is '.self::N_VALUE, // expected
[ // params
self::N => self::N_VALUE,
// This one was provided by Aura.Intl. Thanks!
{gender_of_host, select,
female {{num_guests, plural, offset:1
=0 {{host} does not give a party.}
=1 {{host} invites {guest} to her party.}
=2 {{host} invites {guest} and one other person to her party.}
other {{host} invites {guest} and # other people to her party.}}}
male {{num_guests, plural, offset:1
=0 {{host} does not give a party.}
=1 {{host} invites {guest} to his party.}
=2 {{host} invites {guest} and one other person to his party.}
other {{host} invites {guest} and # other people to his party.}}}
other {{num_guests, plural, offset:1
=0 {{host} does not give a party.}
=1 {{host} invites {guest} to their party.}
=2 {{host} invites {guest} and one other person to their party.}
other {{host} invites {guest} and # other people to their party.}}}}
'ralph invites beep and 3 other people to his party.',
'gender_of_host' => 'male',
'num_guests' => 4,
'host' => 'ralph',
'guest' => 'beep'
'{name} is {gender} and {gender, select, female{she} male{he} other{it}} loves Yii!',
'Alexander is male and he loves Yii!',
'name' => 'Alexander',
'gender' => 'male',
// verify pattern in select does not get replaced
'{name} is {gender} and {gender, select, female{she} male{he} other{it}} loves Yii!',
'Alexander is male and he loves Yii!',
'name' => 'Alexander',
'gender' => 'male',
// following should not be replaced
'he' => 'wtf',
'she' => 'wtf',
'it' => 'wtf',
// verify pattern in select message gets replaced
'{name} is {gender} and {gender, select, female{she} male{{he}} other{it}} loves Yii!',
'Alexander is male and wtf loves Yii!',
'name' => 'Alexander',
'gender' => 'male',
'he' => 'wtf',
'she' => 'wtf',
// some parser specific verifications
'{gender} and {gender, select, female{she} male{{he}} other{it}} loves {nr} is {gender}!',
'male and wtf loves 42 is male!',
'nr' => 42,
'gender' => 'male',
'he' => 'wtf',
'she' => 'wtf',
* @dataProvider patterns
public function testNamedArgumentsStatic($pattern, $expected, $args)
$result = FallbackMessageFormatter::formatMessage('en_US', $pattern, $args);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
* @dataProvider patterns
public function testNamedArgumentsObject($pattern, $expected, $args)
$formatter = new FallbackMessageFormatter('en_US', $pattern);
$result = $formatter->format($args);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result, $formatter->getErrorMessage());
public function testInsufficientArguments()
$expected = '{'.self::SUBJECT.'} is '.self::N_VALUE;
$result = FallbackMessageFormatter::formatMessage('en_US', '{'.self::SUBJECT.'} is {'.self::N.'}', [
self::N => self::N_VALUE,
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
public function testNoParams()
$pattern = '{'.self::SUBJECT.'} is '.self::N;
$result = FallbackMessageFormatter::formatMessage('en_US', $pattern, []);
$this->assertEquals($pattern, $result);
$formatter = new FallbackMessageFormatter('en_US', $pattern);
$result = $formatter->format([]);
$this->assertEquals($pattern, $result, $formatter->getErrorMessage());
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -51,7 +51,13 @@ class I18NTest extends TestCase
$params = ['n' => 42];
$this->assertEquals('His speed is about 42 km/h.', $this->i18n->translate('test', $msg, $params, 'en_US'));
$this->assertEquals('Seine Geschwindigkeit beträgt 42 km/h.', $this->i18n->translate('test', $msg, $params, 'de_DE'));
public function testTranslateParams2()
if (!extension_loaded("intl")) {
$this->markTestSkipped("intl not installed. Skipping.");
$msg = 'His name is {name} and his speed is about {n, number} km/h.';
$params = [
'n' => 42,
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