ViewRenderer.php 6.46 KB
 * Twig view renderer class file.
 * @link
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008 Yii Software LLC
 * @license

namespace yii\twig;

use Yii;
use yii\base\View;
use yii\base\ViewRenderer as BaseViewRenderer;
use yii\helpers\Html;

 * TwigViewRenderer allows you to use Twig templates in views.
 * @property array $lexerOptions @see self::$lexerOptions. This property is write-only.
 * @author Alexander Makarov <>
 * @since 2.0
class ViewRenderer extends BaseViewRenderer
	 * @var string the directory or path alias pointing to where Twig cache will be stored.
	public $cachePath = '@runtime/Twig/cache';
	 * @var array Twig options.
	 * @see
	public $options = [];
     * @var array Objects or static classes.
     * Keys of the array are names to call in template, values are objects or names of static classes.
     * Example: `['html' => '\yii\helpers\Html']`.
     * In the template you can use it like this: `{{ html.a('Login', 'site/login') | raw }}`.
    public $globals = [];
     * @var array Custom functions.
     * Keys of the array are names to call in template, values are names of functions or static methods of some class.
     * Example: `['rot13' => 'str_rot13', 'a' => '\yii\helpers\Html::a']`.
     * In the template you can use it like this: `{{ rot13('test') }}` or `{{ a('Login', 'site/login') | raw }}`.
    public $functions = [];
     * @var array Custom filters.
     * Keys of the array are names to call in template, values are names of functions or static methods of some class.
     * Example: `['rot13' => 'str_rot13', 'jsonEncode' => '\yii\helpers\Json::encode']`.
     * In the template you can use it like this: `{{ 'test'|rot13 }}` or `{{ model|jsonEncode }}`.
    public $filters = [];
     * @var array Custom extensions.
     * Example: `['Twig_Extension_Sandbox', 'Twig_Extension_Text']`
    public $extensions = [];
     * @var array Twig lexer options.
     * Example: Smarty-like syntax:
     * ```php
     * [
     *     'tag_comment'  => ['{*', '*}'],
     *     'tag_block'    => ['{', '}'],
     *     'tag_variable' => ['{$', '}']
     * ]
     * ```
     * @see
    public $lexerOptions = [];
	 * @var \Twig_Environment twig environment object that do all rendering twig templates
	public $twig;

	public function init()
		$this->twig = new \Twig_Environment(null, array_merge([
			'cache' => Yii::getAlias($this->cachePath),
			'charset' => Yii::$app->charset,
		], $this->options));

		// Adding custom extensions
		if (!empty($this->extensions)) {
			foreach ($this->extensions as $extension) {
				$this->twig->addExtension(new $extension());

		// Adding custom globals (objects or static classes)
		if (!empty($this->globals)) {

		// Adding custom functions
		if (!empty($this->functions)) {

		// Adding custom filters
		if (!empty($this->filters)) {

		// Adding custom extensions
		if (!empty($this->extensions)) {

		// Change lexer syntax
		if (!empty($this->lexerOptions)) {

		// Adding global 'void' function (usage: {{void(App.clientScript.registerScriptFile(...))}})
		$this->twig->addFunction('void', new \Twig_Function_Function(function($argument){

		$this->twig->addFunction('path', new \Twig_Function_Function(function ($path, $args = []) {
			return Html::url(array_merge([$path], $args));

		$this->twig->addGlobal('app', \Yii::$app);

	 * Renders a view file.
	 * This method is invoked by [[View]] whenever it tries to render a view.
	 * Child classes must implement this method to render the given view file.
	 * @param View $view the view object used for rendering the file.
	 * @param string $file the view file.
	 * @param array $params the parameters to be passed to the view file.
	 * @return string the rendering result
	public function render($view, $file, $params)
		$this->twig->addGlobal('this', $view);
		$this->twig->setLoader(new TwigSimpleFileLoader(dirname($file)));
		return $this->twig->render(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME), $params);

	 * Adds global objects or static classes
	 * @param array $globals @see self::$globals
	public function addGlobals($globals)
		foreach ($globals as $name => $value) {
			if (!is_object($value)) {
				$value = new ViewRendererStaticClassProxy($value);
			$this->twig->addGlobal($name, $value);

 	 * Adds custom functions
	 * @param array $functions @see self::$functions
	public function addFunctions($functions)
		$this->_addCustom('Function', $functions);

	 * Adds custom filters
	 * @param array $filters @see self::$filters
	public function addFilters($filters)
		$this->_addCustom('Filter', $filters);

	 * Adds custom extensions
	 * @param array $extensions @see self::$extensions
	public function addExtensions($extensions)
		foreach ($extensions as $extName) {
			$this->twig->addExtension(new $extName());

	 * Sets Twig lexer options to change templates syntax
	 * @param array $options @see self::$lexerOptions
	public function setLexerOptions($options)
		$lexer = new \Twig_Lexer($this->twig, $options);

	 * Adds custom function or filter
	 * @param string $classType 'Function' or 'Filter'
	 * @param array $elements Parameters of elements to add
	 * @throws \Exception
	private function _addCustom($classType, $elements)
		$classFunction = 'Twig_' . $classType . '_Function';

		foreach ($elements as $name => $func) {
			$twigElement = null;

			switch ($func) {
				// Just a name of function
				case is_string($func):
					$twigElement = new $classFunction($func);
				// Name of function + options array
				case is_array($func) && is_string($func[0]) && isset($func[1]) && is_array($func[1]):
					$twigElement = new $classFunction($func[0], $func[1]);

			if ($twigElement !== null) {
				$this->twig->{'add'.$classType}($name, $twigElement);
			} else {
				throw new \Exception("Incorrect options for \"$classType\" $name.");