MessageTest.php 11.9 KB

namespace yiiunit\extensions\swiftmailer;

use Yii;
use yii\helpers\FileHelper;
use yii\swiftmailer\Mailer;
use yii\swiftmailer\Message;
use yiiunit\VendorTestCase;

Yii::setAlias('@yii/swiftmailer', __DIR__ . '/../../../../extensions/swiftmailer');

 * @group vendor
 * @group mail
 * @group swiftmailer
class MessageTest extends VendorTestCase
     * @var string test email address, which will be used as receiver for the messages.
    protected $testEmailReceiver = '';

    public function setUp()
            'components' => [
                'mail' => $this->createTestEmailComponent()
        $filePath = $this->getTestFilePath();
        if (!file_exists($filePath)) {

    public function tearDown()
        $filePath = $this->getTestFilePath();
        if (file_exists($filePath)) {

     * @return string test file path.
    protected function getTestFilePath()
        return Yii::getAlias('@yiiunit/runtime') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename(get_class($this)) . '_' . getmypid();

     * @return Mailer test email component instance.
    protected function createTestEmailComponent()
        $component = new Mailer([
            'useFileTransport' => true,

        return $component;

     * @return Message test message instance.
    protected function createTestMessage()
        return Yii::$app->get('mail')->compose();

     * Creates image file with given text.
     * @param  string $fileName file name.
     * @param  string $text     text to be applied on image.
     * @return string image file full name.
    protected function createImageFile($fileName = 'test.jpg', $text = 'Test Image')
        if (!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
            $this->markTestSkipped('GD lib required.');
        $fileFullName = $this->getTestFilePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName;
        $image = imagecreatetruecolor(120, 20);
        $textColor = imagecolorallocate($image, 233, 14, 91);
        imagestring($image, 1, 5, 5, $text, $textColor);
        imagejpeg($image, $fileFullName);

        return $fileFullName;

     * Finds the attachment object in the message.
     * @param  Message                     $message message instance
     * @return null|\Swift_Mime_Attachment attachment instance.
    protected function getAttachment(Message $message)
        $messageParts = $message->getSwiftMessage()->getChildren();
        $attachment = null;
        foreach ($messageParts as $part) {
            if ($part instanceof \Swift_Mime_Attachment) {
                $attachment = $part;

        return $attachment;

    // Tests :

    public function testGetSwiftMessage()
        $message = new Message();
        $this->assertTrue(is_object($message->getSwiftMessage()), 'Unable to get Swift message!');

     * @depends testGetSwiftMessage
    public function testSetGet()
        $message = new Message();

        $charset = 'utf-16';
        $this->assertEquals($charset, $message->getCharset(), 'Unable to set charset!');

        $subject = 'Test Subject';
        $this->assertEquals($subject, $message->getSubject(), 'Unable to set subject!');

        $from = '';
        $this->assertContains($from, array_keys($message->getFrom()), 'Unable to set from!');

        $replyTo = '';
        $this->assertContains($replyTo, array_keys($message->getReplyTo()), 'Unable to set replyTo!');

        $to = '';
        $this->assertContains($to, array_keys($message->getTo()), 'Unable to set to!');

        $cc = '';
        $this->assertContains($cc, array_keys($message->getCc()), 'Unable to set cc!');

        $bcc = '';
        $this->assertContains($bcc, array_keys($message->getBcc()), 'Unable to set bcc!');

     * @depends testGetSwiftMessage
    public function testSetupHeaders()
        $charset = 'utf-16';
        $subject = 'Test Subject';
        $from = '';
        $replyTo = '';
        $to = '';
        $cc = '';
        $bcc = '';

        $messageString = $this->createTestMessage()

        $this->assertContains('charset=' . $charset, $messageString, 'Incorrect charset!');
        $this->assertContains('Subject: ' . $subject, $messageString, 'Incorrect "Subject" header!');
        $this->assertContains('From: ' . $from, $messageString, 'Incorrect "From" header!');
        $this->assertContains('Reply-To: ' . $replyTo, $messageString, 'Incorrect "Reply-To" header!');
        $this->assertContains('To: ' . $to, $messageString, 'Incorrect "To" header!');
        $this->assertContains('Cc: ' . $cc, $messageString, 'Incorrect "Cc" header!');
        $this->assertContains('Bcc: ' . $bcc, $messageString, 'Incorrect "Bcc" header!');

     * @depends testGetSwiftMessage
    public function testSend()
        $message = $this->createTestMessage();
        $message->setSubject('Yii Swift Test');
        $message->setTextBody('Yii Swift Test body');

     * @depends testSend
    public function testAttachFile()
        $message = $this->createTestMessage();

        $message->setSubject('Yii Swift Attach File Test');
        $message->setTextBody('Yii Swift Attach File Test body');
        $fileName = __FILE__;


        $attachment = $this->getAttachment($message);
        $this->assertTrue(is_object($attachment), 'No attachment found!');
        $this->assertContains($attachment->getFilename(), $fileName, 'Invalid file name!');

     * @depends testSend
    public function testAttachContent()
        $message = $this->createTestMessage();

        $message->setSubject('Yii Swift Create Attachment Test');
        $message->setTextBody('Yii Swift Create Attachment Test body');
        $fileName = 'test.txt';
        $fileContent = 'Test attachment content';
        $message->attachContent($fileContent, ['fileName' => $fileName]);


        $attachment = $this->getAttachment($message);
        $this->assertTrue(is_object($attachment), 'No attachment found!');
        $this->assertEquals($fileName, $attachment->getFilename(), 'Invalid file name!');

     * @depends testSend
    public function testEmbedFile()
        $fileName = $this->createImageFile('embed_file.jpg', 'Embed Image File');

        $message = $this->createTestMessage();

        $cid = $message->embed($fileName);

        $message->setSubject('Yii Swift Embed File Test');
        $message->setHtmlBody('Embed image: <img src="' . $cid. '" alt="pic">');


        $attachment = $this->getAttachment($message);
        $this->assertTrue(is_object($attachment), 'No attachment found!');
        $this->assertContains($attachment->getFilename(), $fileName, 'Invalid file name!');

     * @depends testSend
    public function testEmbedContent()
        $fileFullName = $this->createImageFile('embed_file.jpg', 'Embed Image File');
        $message = $this->createTestMessage();

        $fileName = basename($fileFullName);
        $contentType = 'image/jpeg';
        $fileContent = file_get_contents($fileFullName);

        $cid = $message->embedContent($fileContent, ['fileName' => $fileName, 'contentType' => $contentType]);

        $message->setSubject('Yii Swift Embed File Test');
        $message->setHtmlBody('Embed image: <img src="' . $cid. '" alt="pic">');


        $attachment = $this->getAttachment($message);
        $this->assertTrue(is_object($attachment), 'No attachment found!');
        $this->assertEquals($fileName, $attachment->getFilename(), 'Invalid file name!');
        $this->assertEquals($contentType, $attachment->getContentType(), 'Invalid content type!');

     * @depends testSend
    public function testSendAlternativeBody()
        $message = $this->createTestMessage();

        $message->setSubject('Yii Swift Alternative Body Test');
        $message->setHtmlBody('<b>Yii Swift</b> test HTML body');
        $message->setTextBody('Yii Swift test plain text body');


        $messageParts = $message->getSwiftMessage()->getChildren();
        $textPresent = false;
        $htmlPresent = false;
        foreach ($messageParts as $part) {
            if (!($part instanceof \Swift_Mime_Attachment)) {
                /* @var \Swift_Mime_MimePart $part */
                if ($part->getContentType() == 'text/plain') {
                    $textPresent = true;
                if ($part->getContentType() == 'text/html') {
                    $htmlPresent = true;
        $this->assertTrue($textPresent, 'No text!');
        $this->assertTrue($htmlPresent, 'No HTML!');

     * @depends testGetSwiftMessage
    public function testSerialize()
        $message = $this->createTestMessage();

        $message->setSubject('Yii Swift Alternative Body Test');
        $message->setTextBody('Yii Swift test plain text body');

        $serializedMessage = serialize($message);
        $this->assertNotEmpty($serializedMessage, 'Unable to serialize message!');

        $unserializedMessaage = unserialize($serializedMessage);
        $this->assertEquals($message, $unserializedMessaage, 'Unable to unserialize message!');

     * @depends testSendAlternativeBody
    public function testAlternativeBodyCharset()
        $message = $this->createTestMessage();
        $charset = 'windows-1251';

        $message->setTextBody('some text');
        $message->setHtmlBody('some html');
        $content = $message->toString();
        $this->assertEquals(2, substr_count($content, $charset), 'Wrong charset for alternative body.');

        $message->setTextBody('some text override');
        $content = $message->toString();
        $this->assertEquals(2, substr_count($content, $charset), 'Wrong charset for alternative body override.');