CollectionTest.php 7.33 KB

namespace yiiunit\extensions\mongodb;

 * @group mongodb
class CollectionTest extends MongoDbTestCase
	protected function tearDown()

	// Tests :

	public function testGetName()
		$collectionName = 'customer';
		$collection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection($collectionName);
		$this->assertEquals($collectionName, $collection->getName());
		$this->assertEquals($this->mongoDbConfig['defaultDatabaseName'] . '.' . $collectionName, $collection->getFullName());

	public function testFind()
		$collection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection('customer');
		$cursor = $collection->find();
		$this->assertTrue($cursor instanceof \MongoCursor);

	public function testInsert()
		$collection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection('customer');
		$data = [
			'name' => 'customer 1',
			'address' => 'customer 1 address',
		$id = $collection->insert($data);
		$this->assertTrue($id instanceof \MongoId);

	 * @depends testInsert
	 * @depends testFind
	public function testFindAll()
		$collection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection('customer');
		$data = [
			'name' => 'customer 1',
			'address' => 'customer 1 address',
		$id = $collection->insert($data);

		$cursor = $collection->find();
		$rows = [];
		foreach ($cursor as $row) {
			$rows[] = $row;
		$this->assertEquals(1, count($rows));
		$this->assertEquals($id, $rows[0]['_id']);

	 * @depends testFind
	public function testBatchInsert()
		$collection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection('customer');
		$rows = [
				'name' => 'customer 1',
				'address' => 'customer 1 address',
				'name' => 'customer 2',
				'address' => 'customer 2 address',
		$insertedRows = $collection->batchInsert($rows);
		$this->assertTrue($insertedRows[0]['_id'] instanceof \MongoId);
		$this->assertTrue($insertedRows[1]['_id'] instanceof \MongoId);
		$this->assertEquals(count($rows), $collection->find()->count());

	public function testSave()
		$collection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection('customer');
		$data = [
			'name' => 'customer 1',
			'address' => 'customer 1 address',
		$id = $collection->save($data);
		$this->assertTrue($id instanceof \MongoId);

	 * @depends testSave
	public function testUpdateBySave()
		$collection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection('customer');
		$data = [
			'name' => 'customer 1',
			'address' => 'customer 1 address',
		$newId = $collection->save($data);

		$updatedId = $collection->save($data);
		$this->assertEquals($newId, $updatedId, 'Unable to update data!');

		$data['_id'] = $newId->__toString();
		$updatedId = $collection->save($data);
		$this->assertEquals($newId, $updatedId, 'Unable to updated data by string id!');

	 * @depends testFindAll
	public function testRemove()
		$collection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection('customer');
		$data = [
			'name' => 'customer 1',
			'address' => 'customer 1 address',
		$id = $collection->insert($data);

		$count = $collection->remove(['_id' => $id]);
		$this->assertEquals(1, $count);

		$rows = $this->findAll($collection);
		$this->assertEquals(0, count($rows));

	 * @depends testFindAll
	public function testUpdate()
		$collection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection('customer');
		$data = [
			'name' => 'customer 1',
			'address' => 'customer 1 address',
		$id = $collection->insert($data);

		$newData = [
			'name' => 'new name'
		$count = $collection->update(['_id' => $id], $newData);
		$this->assertEquals(1, $count);

		list($row) = $this->findAll($collection);
		$this->assertEquals($newData['name'], $row['name']);

	 * @depends testBatchInsert
	public function testGroup()
		$collection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection('customer');
		$rows = [
				'name' => 'customer 1',
				'address' => 'customer 1 address',
				'name' => 'customer 2',
				'address' => 'customer 2 address',

		$keys = ['address' => 1];
		$initial = ['items' => []];
		$reduce = "function (obj, prev) { prev.items.push(; }";
		$result = $collection->group($keys, $initial, $reduce);
		$this->assertEquals(2, count($result));

	 * @depends testBatchInsert
	public function testMapReduce()
		$collection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection('customer');
		$rows = [
				'name' => 'customer 1',
				'status' => 1,
				'amount' => 100,
				'name' => 'customer 2',
				'status' => 1,
				'amount' => 200,
				'name' => 'customer 2',
				'status' => 2,
				'amount' => 400,
				'name' => 'customer 2',
				'status' => 3,
				'amount' => 500,

		$result = $collection->mapReduce(
			'function () {emit(this.status, this.amount)}',
			'function (key, values) {return Array.sum(values)}',
			['status' => ['$lt' => 3]]
		$this->assertEquals('mapReduceOut', $result);

		$outputCollection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection($result);
		$rows = $this->findAll($outputCollection);
		$expectedRows = [
				'_id' => 1,
				'value' => 300,
				'_id' => 2,
				'value' => 400,
		$this->assertEquals($expectedRows, $rows);

	public function testCreateIndex()
		$collection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection('customer');
		$columns = [
			'status' => \MongoCollection::DESCENDING,
		$indexInfo = $collection->mongoCollection->getIndexInfo();
		$this->assertEquals(2, count($indexInfo));

	 * @depends testCreateIndex
	public function testDropIndex()
		$collection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection('customer');

		$indexInfo = $collection->mongoCollection->getIndexInfo();
		$this->assertEquals(1, count($indexInfo));


	 * @depends testCreateIndex
	public function testDropAllIndexes()
		$collection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection('customer');
		$this->assertEquals(2, $collection->dropAllIndexes());
		$indexInfo = $collection->mongoCollection->getIndexInfo();
		$this->assertEquals(1, count($indexInfo));

	 * @depends testBatchInsert
	 * @depends testCreateIndex
	public function testFullTextSearch()
		if (version_compare('2.4', $this->getServerVersion(), '>')) {
			$this->markTestSkipped("Mongo Server 2.4 required.");

		$collection = $this->getConnection()->getCollection('customer');

		$rows = [
				'name' => 'customer 1',
				'status' => 1,
				'amount' => 100,
				'name' => 'some customer',
				'status' => 1,
				'amount' => 200,
				'name' => 'no search keyword',
				'status' => 1,
				'amount' => 200,
		$collection->createIndex(['name' => 'text']);

		$result = $collection->fullTextSearch('customer');
		$this->assertCount(2, $result);