UPGRADE.md 1011 Bytes

Upgrading Instructions for Yii Framework v2


The following upgrading instructions are cumulative. That is, if you want to upgrade from version A to version C and there is version B between A and C, you need to following the instructions for both A and B.

Upgrade from Yii 2.0 Beta

  • If you used clearAll() or clearAllAssignments() of yii\rbac\DbManager, you should replace them with removeAll() and removeAllAssignments() respectively.

  • If you created RBAC rule classes, you should modify their execute() method by adding $user as the first parameter: execute($user, $item, $params). The $user parameter represents the ID of the user currently being access checked. Previously, this is passed via $params['user'].

  • If you override yii\grid\DataColumn::getDataCellValue() with visibility protected you have to change visibility to public as visibility of the base method has changed.