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Additionally to [rich set of PHP array functions]( Yii array helper provides
extra static methods allowing you to deal with arrays more efficiently.

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## Getting Values <a name="getting-values"></a>
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Retrieving values from an array, an object or a complex structure consisting of both using standard PHP is quite
repetitive. You have to check if key exists with `isset` first, then if it does you're getting it, if not, 
providing default value:
class User
    public $name = 'Alex';

$array = [
    'foo' => [
        'bar' => new User(),

$value = isset($array['foo']['bar']->name) ? $array['foo']['bar']->name : null;

Yii provides a very convenient method to do it:

$value = ArrayHelper::getValue($array, '');

First method argument is where we're getting value from. Second argument specifies how to get the data. It could be one
of the following:
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- Name of array key or object property to retrieve value from.
- Set of dot separated array keys or object property names. The one we've used in the example above. 
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- A callback returning a value.

The callback should be the following:

$fullName = ArrayHelper::getValue($user, function ($user, $defaultValue) {
    return $user->firstName . ' ' . $user->lastName;

Third optional argument is default value which is `null` if not specified. Could be used as follows:

$username = ArrayHelper::getValue($comment, 'user.username', 'Unknown');

In case you want to get the value and then immediately remove it from array you can use `remove` method:
$array = ['type' => 'A', 'options' => [1, 2]];
$type = ArrayHelper::remove($array, 'type');

After executing the code `$array` will contain `['options' => [1, 2]]` and `$type` will be `A`. Note that unlike
`getValue` method, `remove` supports simple key names only.

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## Checking Existence of Keys <a name="checking-existence-of-keys"></a>
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`ArrayHelper::keyExists` works the same way as [array_key_exists](
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except that it also supports case-insensitive key comparison. For example,
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85

$data1 = [
    'userName' => 'Alex',

$data2 = [
    'username' => 'Carsten',

if (!ArrayHelper::keyExists('username', $data1, false) || !ArrayHelper::keyExists('username', $data2, false)) {
    echo "Please provide username.";

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## Retrieving Columns <a name="retrieving-columns"></a>

Often you need to get a column of values from array of data rows or objects. Common example is getting a list of IDs.
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$data = [
    ['id' => '123', 'data' => 'abc'],
    ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'def'],
$ids = ArrayHelper::getColumn($array, 'id');

The result will be `['123', '345']`.
If additional transformations are required or the way of getting value is complex, second argument could be specified
as an anonymous function:

$result = ArrayHelper::getColumn($array, function ($element) {
    return $element['id'];
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## Re-indexing Arrays <a name="reindexing-arrays"></a>

In order to index an array according to a specified key, the `index` method can be used. The input array should be
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multidimensional or an array of objects. The key can be a key name of the sub-array, a property name of object, or
an anonymous function which returns the key value given an array element.

If a key value is null, the corresponding array element will be discarded and not put in the result. For example,
$array = [
    ['id' => '123', 'data' => 'abc'],
    ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'def'],
$result = ArrayHelper::index($array, 'id');
// the result is:
// [
//     '123' => ['id' => '123', 'data' => 'abc'],
//     '345' => ['id' => '345', 'data' => 'def'],
// ]

// using anonymous function
$result = ArrayHelper::index($array, function ($element) {
    return $element['id'];

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## Building Maps <a name="building-maps"></a>    
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In order to build a map (key-value pairs) from a multidimensional array or an array of objects you can use `map` method.
The `$from` and `$to` parameters specify the key names or property names to set up the map. Optionally, one can further
group the map according to a grouping field `$group`. For example,
$array = [
    ['id' => '123', 'name' => 'aaa', 'class' => 'x'],
    ['id' => '124', 'name' => 'bbb', 'class' => 'x'],
    ['id' => '345', 'name' => 'ccc', 'class' => 'y'],

$result = ArrayHelper::map($array, 'id', 'name');
// the result is:
// [
//     '123' => 'aaa',
//     '124' => 'bbb',
//     '345' => 'ccc',
// ]

$result = ArrayHelper::map($array, 'id', 'name', 'class');
// the result is:
// [
//     'x' => [
//         '123' => 'aaa',
//         '124' => 'bbb',
//     ],
//     'y' => [
//         '345' => 'ccc',
//     ],
// ]
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## Multidimensional Sorting <a name="multidimensional-sorting"></a>    

`multisort` method helps to sort an array of objects or nested arrays by one or several keys. For example,
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$data = [
    ['age' => 30, 'name' => 'Alexander'],
    ['age' => 30, 'name' => 'Brian'],
    ['age' => 19, 'name' => 'Barney'],
ArrayHelper::multisort($data, ['age', 'name'], [SORT_ASC, SORT_DESC]);
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After sorting we'll get the following in `$data`:

    ['age' => 19, 'name' => 'Barney'],
    ['age' => 30, 'name' => 'Brian'],
    ['age' => 30, 'name' => 'Alexander'],

Second argument that specifies keys to sort by can be a string if it's a single key, an array in case of multiple keys
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or an anonymous function like the following one:

ArrayHelper::multisort($data, function($item) {
    return isset($item['age']) ? ['age', 'name'] : 'name';
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Third argument is direction. In case of sorting by a single key it could be either `SORT_ASC` or
`SORT_DESC`. If sorting by multiple values you can sort each value differently by providing an array of
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sort direction.

Last argument is PHP sort flag that could take the same values as the ones passed to
PHP [sort()](
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## Detecting Array Types <a name="detecting-array-types"></a>
It is handy to know whether an array is indexed or an associative. Here's an example:
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// no keys specified
$indexed = ['Qiang', 'Paul'];
echo ArrayHelper::isIndexed($indexed);

// all keys are strings
$associative = ['framework' => 'Yii', 'version' => '2.0'];
echo ArrayHelper::isAssociative($associative);
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## HTML Encoding and Decoding Values <a name="html-encoding-values"></a>
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In order to encode or decode special characters in an array of strings into HTML entities you can use the following:

$encoded = ArrayHelper::htmlEncode($data);
$decoded = ArrayHelper::htmlDecode($data);

Only values will be encoded by default. By passing second argument as `false` you can encode array's keys as well.
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Encoding will use application charset and could be changed via third argument.
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## Merging Arrays <a name="merging-arrays"></a>
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     * Merges two or more arrays into one recursively.
     * If each array has an element with the same string key value, the latter
     * will overwrite the former (different from array_merge_recursive).
     * Recursive merging will be conducted if both arrays have an element of array
     * type and are having the same key.
     * For integer-keyed elements, the elements from the latter array will
     * be appended to the former array.
     * @param array $a array to be merged to
     * @param array $b array to be merged from. You can specify additional
     * arrays via third argument, fourth argument etc.
     * @return array the merged array (the original arrays are not changed.)
    public static function merge($a, $b)
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## Converting Objects to Arrays <a name="converting-objects-to-arrays"></a>

Often you need to convert an object or an array of objects into an array. The most common case is converting active record
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models in order to serve data arrays via REST API or use it otherwise. The following code could be used to do it:

$posts = Post::find()->limit(10)->all();
$data = ArrayHelper::toArray($post, [
    'app\models\Post' => [
        // the key name in array result => property name
        'createTime' => 'created_at',
        // the key name in array result => anonymous function
        'length' => function ($post) {
            return strlen($post->content);

The first argument contains the data we want to convert. In our case we're converting a `Post` AR model. 

The second argument is conversion mapping per class. We're setting a mapping for `Post` model. 
Each mapping array contains a set of mappings. Each mapping could be:
- A field name to include as is.
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- A key-value pair of desired array key name and model column name to take value from.
- A key-value pair of desired array key name and a callback which returns value.
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The result of conversion above will be:
    'id' => 123,
    'title' => 'test',
    'createTime' => '2013-01-01 12:00AM',
    'length' => 301,

It is possible to provide default way of converting object to array for a specific class by implementing
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[[yii\base\Arrayable|Arrayable]] interface in that class.