Database.php 5.79 KB
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 * @link
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
 * @license

namespace yii\mongodb;
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use yii\base\Object;
use Yii;
use yii\helpers\Json;
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 * Database represents the Mongo database information.
Qiang Xue committed
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 * @property file\Collection $fileCollection Mongo GridFS collection. This property is read-only.
 * @property string $name Name of this database. This property is read-only.
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 * @author Paul Klimov <>
 * @since 2.0
class Database extends Object
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     * @var \MongoDB Mongo database instance.
    public $mongoDb;
     * @var Collection[] list of collections.
    private $_collections = [];
     * @var file\Collection[] list of GridFS collections.
    private $_fileCollections = [];

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     * @return string name of this database.
    public function getName()
        return $this->mongoDb->__toString();

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     * Returns the Mongo collection with the given name.
     * @param  string     $name    collection name
     * @param  boolean    $refresh whether to reload the collection instance even if it is found in the cache.
     * @return Collection Mongo collection instance.
    public function getCollection($name, $refresh = false)
        if ($refresh || !array_key_exists($name, $this->_collections)) {
            $this->_collections[$name] = $this->selectCollection($name);

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        return $this->_collections[$name];

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     * Returns Mongo GridFS collection with given prefix.
     * @param  string          $prefix  collection prefix.
     * @param  boolean         $refresh whether to reload the collection instance even if it is found in the cache.
     * @return file\Collection Mongo GridFS collection.
    public function getFileCollection($prefix = 'fs', $refresh = false)
        if ($refresh || !array_key_exists($prefix, $this->_fileCollections)) {
            $this->_fileCollections[$prefix] = $this->selectFileCollection($prefix);

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        return $this->_fileCollections[$prefix];

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     * Selects collection with given name.
     * @param  string     $name collection name.
     * @return Collection collection instance.
    protected function selectCollection($name)
        return Yii::createObject([
            'class' => 'yii\mongodb\Collection',
            'mongoCollection' => $this->mongoDb->selectCollection($name)

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     * Selects GridFS collection with given prefix.
     * @param  string          $prefix file collection prefix.
     * @return file\Collection file collection instance.
    protected function selectFileCollection($prefix)
        return Yii::createObject([
            'class' => 'yii\mongodb\file\Collection',
            'mongoCollection' => $this->mongoDb->getGridFS($prefix)

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     * Creates new collection.
     * Note: Mongo creates new collections automatically on the first demand,
     * this method makes sense only for the migration script or for the case
     * you need to create collection with the specific options.
     * @param  string           $name    name of the collection
     * @param  array            $options collection options in format: "name" => "value"
     * @return \MongoCollection new Mongo collection instance.
     * @throws Exception        on failure.
    public function createCollection($name, $options = [])
        $token = $this->getName() . '.create(' . $name . ', ' . Json::encode($options) . ')';
        Yii::info($token, __METHOD__);
        try {
            Yii::beginProfile($token, __METHOD__);
            $result = $this->mongoDb->createCollection($name, $options);
            Yii::endProfile($token, __METHOD__);

            return $result;
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            Yii::endProfile($token, __METHOD__);
            throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), (int) $e->getCode(), $e);

     * Executes Mongo command.
     * @param  array     $command command specification.
     * @param  array     $options options in format: "name" => "value"
     * @return array     database response.
     * @throws Exception on failure.
    public function executeCommand($command, $options = [])
        $token = $this->getName() . '.$cmd(' . Json::encode($command) . ', ' . Json::encode($options) . ')';
        Yii::info($token, __METHOD__);
        try {
            Yii::beginProfile($token, __METHOD__);
            $result = $this->mongoDb->command($command, $options);
            Yii::endProfile($token, __METHOD__);

            return $result;
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            Yii::endProfile($token, __METHOD__);
            throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), (int) $e->getCode(), $e);

     * Checks if command execution result ended with an error.
     * @param  mixed     $result raw command execution result.
     * @throws Exception if an error occurred.
    protected function tryResultError($result)
        if (is_array($result)) {
            if (!empty($result['errmsg'])) {
                $errorMessage = $result['errmsg'];
            } elseif (!empty($result['err'])) {
                $errorMessage = $result['err'];
            if (isset($errorMessage)) {
                if (array_key_exists('ok', $result)) {
                    $errorCode = (int) $result['ok'];
                } else {
                    $errorCode = 0;
                throw new Exception($errorMessage, $errorCode);
        } elseif (!$result) {
            throw new Exception('Unknown error, use "w=1" option to enable error tracking');
AlexGx committed