<?php /** * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ namespace yii\build\controllers; use Yii; use yii\base\Exception; use yii\console\Controller; /** * ReleaseController is there to help preparing releases * * @author Carsten Brandt <mail@cebe.cc> * @since 2.0 */ class ReleaseController extends Controller { public $defaultAction = 'help'; /** * Usage: * * ``` * ./build/build release/prepare 2.0.0-beta * ``` * */ public function actionPrepare($version) { $this->resortChangelogs($version); $this->mergeChangelogs($version); $this->closeChangelogs($version); $this->composerSetStability($version); $this->updateYiiVersion($version); } /** * Usage: * * ``` * ./build/build release/done 2.0.0-dev 2.0.0-rc * ``` */ public function actionDone($devVersion, $nextVersion) { $this->openChangelogs($nextVersion); $this->composerSetStability('dev'); $this->updateYiiVersion($devVersion); } protected function closeChangelogs($version) { $v = str_replace('\\-', '[\\- ]', preg_quote($version, '/')); $headline = $version . ' ' . date('F d, Y'); $this->sed( '/'.$v.' under development\n(-+?)\n/', $headline . "\n" . str_repeat('-', strlen($headline)) . "\n", $this->getChangelogs() ); } protected function openChangelogs($version) { $headline = "\n$version under development\n"; $headline .= str_repeat('-', strlen($headline) - 2) . "\n\n"; $headline .= "- no changes in this release.\n"; foreach($this->getChangelogs() as $file) { $lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($file)); $hl = [ array_shift($lines), array_shift($lines), ]; array_unshift($lines, $headline); file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", array_merge($hl, $lines))); } } protected function resortChangelogs($version) { foreach($this->getChangelogs() as $file) { // split the file into relevant parts list($start, $changelog, $end) = $this->splitChangelog($file, $version); $changelog = $this->resortChangelog($changelog); file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", array_merge($start, $changelog, $end))); } } protected function mergeChangelogs($version) { $file = $this->getFrameworkChangelog(); // split the file into relevant parts list($start, $changelog, $end) = $this->splitChangelog($file, $version); $changelog = $this->resortChangelog($changelog); $changelog[] = ''; $extensions = $this->getExtensionChangelogs(); asort($extensions); foreach($extensions as $changelogFile) { if (!preg_match('~extensions/([a-z]+)/CHANGELOG\\.md~', $changelogFile, $m)) { throw new Exception("Illegal extension changelog file: " . $changelogFile); } list( , $extensionChangelog, ) = $this->splitChangelog($changelogFile, $version); $name = $m[1]; $ucname = ucfirst($name); $changelog[] = "### $ucname Extension (yii2-$name)"; $changelog = array_merge($changelog, $extensionChangelog); } file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", array_merge($start, $changelog, $end))); } /** * Extract changelog content for a specific version */ protected function splitChangelog($file, $version) { $lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($file)); // split the file into relevant parts $start = []; $changelog = []; $end = []; $state = 'start'; foreach($lines as $l => $line) { // starting from the changelogs headline if (isset($lines[$l-2]) && strpos($lines[$l-2], $version) !== false && isset($lines[$l-1]) && strncmp($lines[$l-1], '---', 3) === 0) { $state = 'changelog'; } if ($state === 'changelog' && isset($lines[$l+1]) && strncmp($lines[$l+1], '---', 3) === 0) { $state = 'end'; } ${$state}[] = $line; } return [$start, $changelog, $end]; } /** * Ensure sorting of the changelog lines */ protected function resortChangelog($changelog) { // cleanup whitespace foreach($changelog as $i => $line) { $changelog[$i] = rtrim($line); } // TODO sorting return $changelog; } protected function getChangelogs() { return array_merge([$this->getFrameworkChangelog()], $this->getExtensionChangelogs()); } protected function getFrameworkChangelog() { return YII2_PATH . '/CHANGELOG.md'; } protected function getExtensionChangelogs() { return glob(dirname(YII2_PATH) . '/extensions/*/CHANGELOG.md'); } protected function composerSetStability($version) { $stability = 'stable'; if (strpos($version, 'alpha') !== false) { $stability = 'alpha'; } elseif (strpos($version, 'beta') !== false) { $stability = 'beta'; } elseif (strpos($version, 'rc') !== false) { $stability = 'RC'; } elseif (strpos($version, 'dev') !== false) { $stability = 'dev'; } $this->sed( '/"minimum-stability": "(.+?)",/', '"minimum-stability": "' . $stability . '",', [ dirname(YII2_PATH) . '/apps/advanced/composer.json', dirname(YII2_PATH) . '/apps/basic/composer.json', dirname(YII2_PATH) . '/apps/benchmark/composer.json', ] ); } protected function updateYiiVersion($version) { $this->sed( '/function getVersion\(\)\n \{\n return \'(.+?)\';/', "function getVersion()\n {\n return '$version';", YII2_PATH . '/BaseYii.php'); } protected function sed($pattern, $replace, $files) { foreach((array) $files as $file) { file_put_contents($file, preg_replace($pattern, $replace, file_get_contents($file))); } } }