
Aliases are used to represent file paths or URLs so that you don't have to hard-code absolute paths or URLs in your project. An alias must start with the `@` character to be differentiated from normal file paths and URLs. Yii has many pre-defined aliases already available. 
For example, the alias `@yii` represents the installation path of the Yii framework; `@web` represents
the base URL for the currently running Web application.

Defining Aliases <a name="defining-aliases"></a>

You can define an alias for a file path or URL by calling [[Yii::setAlias()]]:

// an alias of a file path
Yii::setAlias('@foo', '/path/to/foo');

// an alias of a URL
Yii::setAlias('@bar', '');

> Note: The file path or URL being aliased may *not* necessarily refer to an existing file or resource.

Given a defined alias, you may derive a new alias (without the need of calling [[Yii::setAlias()]]) by appending
a slash `/` followed with one or more path segments. The aliases defined via [[Yii::setAlias()]] becomes the 
*root alias*, while aliases derived from it are *derived aliases*. For example, `@foo` is a root alias,
while `@foo/bar/file.php` is a derived alias.

You can define an alias using another alias (either root or derived):

Yii::setAlias('@foobar', '@foo/bar');

Root aliases are usually defined during the [bootstrapping]( stage.
For example, you may call [[Yii::setAlias()]] in the [entry script](
For convenience, [Application]( provides a writable property named `aliases`
that you can configure in the application [configuration](

return [
    // ...
    'aliases' => [
        '@foo' => '/path/to/foo',
        '@bar' => '',

Resolving Aliases <a name="resolving-aliases"></a>

You can call [[Yii::getAlias()]] to resolve a root alias into the file path or URL it represents.
The same method can also resolve a derived alias into the corresponding file path or URL:

echo Yii::getAlias('@foo');               // displays: /path/to/foo
echo Yii::getAlias('@bar');               // displays:
echo Yii::getAlias('@foo/bar/file.php');  // displays: /path/to/foo/bar/file.php

The path/URL represented by a derived alias is determined by replacing the root alias part with its corresponding
path/URL in the derived alias.

> Note: The [[Yii::getAlias()]] method does not check whether the resulting path/URL refers to an existing file or resource.

A root alias may also contain slash `/` characters. The [[Yii::getAlias()]] method
is intelligent enough to tell which part of an alias is a root alias and thus correctly determines
the corresponding file path or URL:

Yii::setAlias('@foo', '/path/to/foo');
Yii::setAlias('@foo/bar', '/path2/bar');
Yii::getAlias('@foo/test/file.php');  // displays: /path/to/foo/test/file.php
Yii::getAlias('@foo/bar/file.php');   // displays: /path2/bar/file.php

If `@foo/bar` is not defined as a root alias, the last statement would display `/path/to/foo/bar/file.php`.

Using Aliases <a name="using-aliases"></a>

Aliases are recognized in many places in Yii without needing to call [[Yii::getAlias()]] to convert
them into paths or URLs. For example, [[yii\caching\FileCache::cachePath]] can accept both a file path
and an alias representing a file path, thanks to the `@` prefix which allows it to differentiate a file path
from an alias.

use yii\caching\FileCache;

$cache = new FileCache([
    'cachePath' => '@runtime/cache',

Please pay attention to the API documentation to see if a property or method parameter supports aliases.

Predefined Aliases <a name="predefined-aliases"></a>

Yii predefines a set of aliases to easily reference commonly used file paths and URLs:

- `@yii`, the directory where the `BaseYii.php` file is located (also called the framework directory)
- `@app`, the [[yii\base\Application::basePath|base path]] of the currently running application
- `@runtime`, the [[yii\base\Application::runtimePath|runtime path]] of the currently running application
- `@vendor`, the [[yii\base\Application::vendorPath|Composer vendor directory]]
- `@webroot`, the Web root directory of the currently running Web application
- `@web`, the base URL of the currently running Web application

The `@yii` alias is defined when you include the `Yii.php` file in your [entry script]( The rest of the aliases are defined in the application constructor when applying the application

Extension Aliases <a name="extension-aliases"></a>

An alias is automatically defined for each [extension]( that is installed via Composer.
Each alias is named after the root namespace of the extension as declared in its `composer.json` file, and each alias
represents the root directory of the package. For example, if you install the `yiisoft/yii2-jui` extension,
you will automatically have the alias `@yii/jui` defined during the [bootstrapping]( stage, equivalent to:

Yii::setAlias('@yii/jui', 'VendorPath/yiisoft/yii2-jui');