<?php /** * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ namespace yii\elasticsearch; use yii\debug\Panel; use yii\log\Logger; use yii\helpers\Html; use yii\web\View; /** * Debugger panel that collects and displays elasticsearch queries performed. * * @author Carsten Brandt <mail@cebe.cc> * @since 2.0 */ class DebugPanel extends Panel { public function getName() { return 'Elasticsearch'; } public function getSummary() { $timings = $this->calculateTimings(); $queryCount = count($timings); $queryTime = 0; foreach ($timings as $timing) { $queryTime += $timing[3]; } $queryTime = number_format($queryTime * 1000) . ' ms'; $url = $this->getUrl(); $output = <<<EOD <div class="yii-debug-toolbar-block"> <a href="$url" title="Executed $queryCount elasticsearch queries which took $queryTime."> ES <span class="label">$queryCount</span> <span class="label">$queryTime</span> </a> </div> EOD; return $queryCount > 0 ? $output : ''; } public function getDetail() { $rows = []; $i = 0; foreach ($this->data['messages'] as $log) { list ($message, $level, $category, $time, $traces) = $log; if ($level == Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE_BEGIN) { continue; } if (($pos = mb_strpos($message, "#")) !== false) { $url = mb_substr($message, 0, $pos); $body = mb_substr($message, $pos + 1); } else { $url = $message; $body = null; } $traceString = ''; if (!empty($traces)) { $traceString .= Html::ul($traces, [ 'class' => 'trace', 'item' => function ($trace) { return "<li>{$trace['file']}({$trace['line']})</li>"; }, ]); } $runLinks = ''; $c = 0; \Yii::$app->elasticsearch->open(); foreach(\Yii::$app->elasticsearch->nodes as $node) { $pos = mb_strpos($url, ' '); $type = mb_substr($url, 0, $pos); if ($type == 'GET' && !empty($body)) { $type = 'POST'; } $host = $node['http_address']; if (strncmp($host, 'inet[/', 6) == 0) { $host = substr($host, 6, -1); } $nodeUrl = 'http://' . $host . '/' . mb_substr($url, $pos + 1); $nodeUrl .= (strpos($nodeUrl, '?') === false) ? '?pretty=true' : '&pretty=true'; $nodeBody = json_encode($body); \Yii::$app->view->registerJs(<<<JS $('#elastic-link-$i-$c').on('click', function() { $('#elastic-result-$i').html('Sending $type request to $nodeUrl...'); $('#elastic-result-$i').parent('tr').show(); $.ajax({ type: "$type", url: "$nodeUrl", body: $nodeBody, success: function( data ) { $('#elastic-result-$i').html(data); }, dataType: "text" }); return false; }); JS , View::POS_READY); $runLinks .= Html::a(isset($node['name']) ? $node['name'] : $node['http_address'], '#', ['id' => "elastic-link-$i-$c"]) . '<br/>'; $c++; } $rows[] = "<tr><td style=\"width: 80%;\"><div><b>$url</b><br/><p>$body</p>$traceString</div></td><td style=\"width: 20%;\">$runLinks</td></tr><tr style=\"display: none;\"><td colspan=\"2\" id=\"elastic-result-$i\"></td></tr>"; $i++; } $rows = implode("\n", $rows); return <<<HTML <h1>Elasticsearch Queries</h1> <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped table-hover" style="table-layout: fixed;"> <thead> <tr> <th style="width: 80%;">Url / Query</th> <th style="width: 20%;">Run Query on node</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> $rows </tbody> </table> HTML; } private $_timings; protected function calculateTimings() { if ($this->_timings !== null) { return $this->_timings; } $messages = $this->data['messages']; $timings = []; $stack = []; foreach ($messages as $i => $log) { list($token, $level, $category, $timestamp) = $log; $log[5] = $i; if ($level == Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE_BEGIN) { $stack[] = $log; } elseif ($level == Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE_END) { if (($last = array_pop($stack)) !== null && $last[0] === $token) { $timings[$last[5]] = [count($stack), $token, $last[3], $timestamp - $last[3], $last[4]]; } } } $now = microtime(true); while (($last = array_pop($stack)) !== null) { $delta = $now - $last[3]; $timings[$last[5]] = [count($stack), $last[0], $last[2], $delta, $last[4]]; } ksort($timings); return $this->_timings = $timings; } public function save() { $target = $this->module->logTarget; $messages = $target->filterMessages($target->messages, Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE, ['yii\elasticsearch\Connection::httpRequest']); return ['messages' => $messages]; } }