<?php namespace yiiunit\extensions\authclient; use yii\authclient\BaseClient; class BaseClientTest extends TestCase { public function testSetGet() { $client = new Client(); $id = 'test_id'; $client->setId($id); $this->assertEquals($id, $client->getId(), 'Unable to setup id!'); $name = 'test_name'; $client->setName($name); $this->assertEquals($name, $client->getName(), 'Unable to setup name!'); $title = 'test_title'; $client->setTitle($title); $this->assertEquals($title, $client->getTitle(), 'Unable to setup title!'); $userAttributes = [ 'attribute1' => 'value1', 'attribute2' => 'value2', ]; $client->setUserAttributes($userAttributes); $this->assertEquals($userAttributes, $client->getUserAttributes(), 'Unable to setup user attributes!'); $normalizeUserAttributeMap = [ 'name' => 'some/name', 'email' => 'some/email', ]; $client->setNormalizeUserAttributeMap($normalizeUserAttributeMap); $this->assertEquals($normalizeUserAttributeMap, $client->getNormalizeUserAttributeMap(), 'Unable to setup normalize user attribute map!'); $viewOptions = [ 'option1' => 'value1', 'option2' => 'value2', ]; $client->setViewOptions($viewOptions); $this->assertEquals($viewOptions, $client->getViewOptions(), 'Unable to setup view options!'); } public function testGetDefaults() { $client = new Client(); $this->assertNotEmpty($client->getName(), 'Unable to get default name!'); $this->assertNotEmpty($client->getTitle(), 'Unable to get default title!'); $this->assertNotNull($client->getViewOptions(), 'Unable to get default view options!'); $this->assertNotNull($client->getNormalizeUserAttributeMap(), 'Unable to get default normalize user attribute map!'); } /** * Data provider for [[testNormalizeUserAttributes()]] * @return array test data */ public function dataProviderNormalizeUserAttributes() { return [ [ [ 'name' => 'raw/name', 'email' => 'raw/email', ], [ 'raw/name' => 'name value', 'raw/email' => 'email value', ], [ 'name' => 'name value', 'email' => 'email value', ], ], [ [ 'name' => function ($attributes) { return $attributes['firstName'] . ' ' . $attributes['lastName']; }, ], [ 'firstName' => 'John', 'lastName' => 'Smith', ], [ 'name' => 'John Smith', ], ], [ [ 'email' => ['emails', 'prime'], ], [ 'emails' => [ 'prime' => 'some@email.com' ], ], [ 'email' => 'some@email.com', ], ], [ [ 'email' => ['emails', 0], 'secondaryEmail' => ['emails', 1], ], [ 'emails' => [ 'some@email.com', ], ], [ 'email' => 'some@email.com', ], ], [ [ 'name' => 'file_get_contents', ], [ 'file_get_contents' => 'value', ], [ 'name' => 'value', ], ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataProviderNormalizeUserAttributes * * @depends testSetGet * * @param array $normalizeUserAttributeMap * @param array $rawUserAttributes * @param array $expectedNormalizedUserAttributes */ public function testNormalizeUserAttributes($normalizeUserAttributeMap, $rawUserAttributes, $expectedNormalizedUserAttributes) { $client = new Client(); $client->setNormalizeUserAttributeMap($normalizeUserAttributeMap); $client->setUserAttributes($rawUserAttributes); $normalizedUserAttributes = $client->getUserAttributes(); $this->assertEquals(array_merge($rawUserAttributes, $expectedNormalizedUserAttributes), $normalizedUserAttributes); } } class Client extends BaseClient { }