Commit ffd47ab4 by 东方孤思子(Paris·QianSen) Committed by AbrahamGreyson

translated behaviors

parent 21e6faaf
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
[Mixin(Mix In可以理解为包含若干个类的部分方法和属性的混合类,英文维基)](,允许你增强已有
[[yii\base\Component|组件]] 类的功能,而无需改变类的继承结构。当一个行为被配属到组件之上是,他会向组件“注入”他的属性与方法,就好像这些方法原本就定义在组件里一样。此外,行为能响应由组件所触发的[事件](,从而自定义或调整组件内默认的代码执行。
> 译者注:mixin直译为‘混入’,trait直译为‘特质’,为避免翻译上的问题,今后我们还是采用英文术语。
使用行为 <a name="using-behaviors"></a>
......@@ -24,8 +26,8 @@ $component->prop1 = $value;
与之相似的,你也可以调用行为类的 *public* 方法,
// bar() 是一个定义在行为类中的公共方法
// foo() 是一个定义在行为类中的公共方法
如你所见,尽管 `$component` 并没有定义 `prop1``bar()`,它们依旧好像是组件自身定义的一部分一样。
......@@ -143,7 +145,7 @@ $component->attachBehaviors([
......@@ -153,7 +155,7 @@ $component->detachBehaviors();
定义行为 <a name="defining-behaviors"></a>
To define a behavior, create a class by extending from [[yii\base\Behavior]] or its child class. For example,
要定义一个行为,只需创建新类,继承 [[yii\base\Behavior]] 或其子类。比如,
namespace app\components;
......@@ -184,15 +186,11 @@ class MyBehavior extends Behavior
The above code defines the behavior class `app\components\MyBehavior` which will provide two properties
`prop1` and `prop2`, and one method `foo()` to the component it is attached to. Note that property `prop2`
is defined via the getter `getProp2()` and the setter `setProp2()`. This is so because [[yii\base\Object]]
is an ancestor class of [[yii\base\Behavior]], which supports defining [properties]( by getters/setters.
以上代码定义了行为类 `app\components\MyBehavior` 并为要附加行为的组件提供了两个属性 `prop1``prop2` 和一个方法 `foo()`。注意,属性 `prop2` 是通过 getter `getProp2()` 和 setter `setProp2()` 定义的。能这样用是因为 [[yii\base\Behavior]] 的祖先类是 [[yii\base\Object]],此祖先类支持用 getter 和 setter 方法定义[属性](
Within a behavior, you can access the component that the behavior is attached to through the [[yii\base\Behavior::owner]] property.
在行为类之中,你可以通过 [[yii\base\Behavior::owner]] 属性访问行为的组件。
If a behavior needs to respond to the events triggered by the component it is attached to, it should override the
[[yii\base\Behavior::events()]] method. For example,
如果你的行为需要响应其所配属的组件中触发的事件,它需要重写 [[yii\base\Behavior::events()]] 方法。像这样,
namespace app\components;
......@@ -218,16 +216,13 @@ class MyBehavior extends Behavior
The [[yii\base\Behavior::events()|events()]] method should return a list of events and their corresponding handlers.
The above example declares that the [[yii\db\ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_VALIDATE|EVENT_BEFORE_VALIDATE]] event and
its handler `beforeValidate()`. When specifying an event handler, you may use one of the following formats:
[[yii\base\Behavior::events()|events()]] 方法需返回一个事件列表和它们相应的处理器。上例声明了 [[yii\db\ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_VALIDATE|EVENT_BEFORE_VALIDATE]] 事件和它的处理器 `beforeValidate()` 。当指定一个事件处理器时,要使用以下格式之一:
* a string that refers to the name of a method of the behavior class, like the example above;
* an array of an object or class name, and a method name, e.g., `[$object, 'methodName']`;
* an anonymous function.
* 一条指向行为类的方法名的字符串,如上例所示;
* 一个包含对象或类名,以及方法名的数组,如 `[$object, 'methodName']`
* 一个匿名函数
The signature of an event handler should be as follows, where `$event` refers to the event parameter. Please refer
to the [Events]( section for more details about events.
事件处理器方法的特征格式如下,其中 `$event` 指向事件参数。关于事件的更多细节请参考[事件](
function ($event) {
......@@ -238,10 +233,9 @@ function ($event) {
使用 `TimestampBehavior` <a name="using-timestamp-behavior"></a>
To wrap up, let's take a look at [[yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior]] - a behavior that supports automatically
updating the timestamp attributes of an [[yii\db\ActiveRecord|Active Record]] when it is being saved.
最后让我们来看看 [[yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior]] 作为具体实践案例,这个行为支持在 [[yii\db\ActiveRecord|Active Record]] 保存时自动更新它的时间戳类型的 attribute(特性)。
First, attach this behavior to the [[yii\db\ActiveRecord|Active Record]] class that you plan to use.
首先,配属这个行为到目标 [[yii\db\ActiveRecord|Active Record]] 类:
namespace app\models\User;
......@@ -268,14 +262,12 @@ class User extends ActiveRecord
The behavior configuration above specifies that
* when the record is being inserted, the behavior should assign the current timestamp to
the `created_at` and `updated_at` attributes;
* when the record is being updated, the behavior should assign the current timestamp to the `updated_at` attribute.
* 当记录插入时,行为应该要当前时间戳赋值给 `created_at``updated_at` 属性;
* 当记录更新时,行为应该要当前时间戳赋值给 `updated_at` 属性。
Now if you have a `User` object and try to save it, you will find its `created_at` and `updated_at` are automatically
filled with the current timestamp:
放置上述代码之后,如果有一个 `User` 对象且需要保存,你会发现它的 `created_at``updated_at` 属性已经自动填充了当前时间戳:
$user = new User;
......@@ -284,44 +276,35 @@ $user->save();
echo $user->created_at; // shows the current timestamp
The [[yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior|TimestampBehavior]] also offers a useful method
[[yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior::touch()|touch()]] which will assign the current timestamp
to a specified attribute and save it to the database:
[[yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior|TimestampBehavior]] 同时提供一个很好用的名为 [[yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior::touch()|touch()]] 的方法,该方法会把当前时间戳赋值给指定 attribute 并将其存入数据库:
与 Traits(特质)的对比 <a name="comparison-with-traits"></a>
与 Traits 的对比 <a name="comparison-with-traits"></a>
While behaviors are similar to [traits]( in that they both "inject" their
properties and methods to the primary class, they differ in many aspects. As explained below, they
both have pros and cons. They are more like complements rather than replacements to each other.
尽管行为在 "注入" 属性和方法到主类方面类似于 [traits]( ,它们在很多方面却不相同。如上所述,它们各有利弊。它们更像是互补的而不是相互替代。
### Behavior 的好处 <a name="pros-for-behaviors"></a>
### Behavior 的优势 <a name="pros-for-behaviors"></a>
Behavior classes, like normal classes, support inheritance. Traits, on the other hand,
can be considered as language-supported copy and paste. They do not support inheritance.
Behavior 类像普通类支持继承。另一方面,Traits 可以视之为一种 PHP 提供语言级支持的复制粘贴功能,它不支持继承。
Behaviors can be attached and detached to a component dynamically without requiring you to modify the component class.
To use a trait, you must modify the class using it.
Behavior 无须修改组件类就可动态配属到组件或拆除。要使用 trait,就必须修改引用它的类本身。
Behaviors are configurable while traits are not.
Behavior 是可配置的而 traits 不行。
Behaviors can customize the code execution of a component by responding to its events.
Behaviors 可以通过响应事件来自定义组件代码的执行。
When there is name conflict among different behaviors attached to the same component, the conflict is
automatically resolved by respecting the behavior that is attached to the component first.
Name conflict caused by different traits requires you to manually resolve it by renaming the affected
properties or methods.
当不同 Behavior 附加到同一组件产生命名冲突时,这个冲突会以“先附加行为的优先”的方式自动解决。而由不同 traits 引发的命名冲突需要通过手工重命名冲突属性或方法来解决。
### Traits 的好处 <a name="pros-for-traits"></a>
### Traits 的优势 <a name="pros-for-traits"></a>
Traits are much more efficient than behaviors because behaviors are objects which take both time and memory.
Trait 比 behaviors 性能好很多很多,因为行为本身就是对象,他需要占用双倍的时间和内存。
IDEs are more friendly to traits as they are language construct.
作为语言架构的一部分,IDE 对 Trait 更加友好
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