Commit e6a9e645 by Qiang Xue

finished Connection.

parent f082c0eb
......@@ -349,16 +349,12 @@ class YiiBase
$object = new $class;
if ($object instanceof Initable) {
foreach ($config as $name => $value) {
$object->$name = $value;
foreach ($config as $name => $value) {
$object->$name = $value;
else {
foreach ($config as $name => $value) {
$object->$name = $value;
if ($object instanceof \yii\base\Initable) {
return $object;
......@@ -28,18 +28,6 @@ abstract class ApplicationComponent extends Component implements Initable
public $behaviors = array();
* Pre-initializes this component.
* This method is required by the [[Initable]] interface. It is invoked by
* [[\Yii::createComponent]] after its creates the new component instance but
* BEFORE the component properties are initialized.
* You may override this method to do work such as setting property default values.
public function preinit()
* Initializes the application component.
* This method is invoked after the component is created and its property values are
* initialized. The default implementation will call [[Component::attachBehaviors]]
......@@ -27,19 +27,21 @@ use yii\db\Exception;
* ~~~
* $connection = \yii\db\dao\Connection::create($dsn, $username, $password);
* $connection->open(); // same as: $connection->active = true;
* $connection->active = true; // same as: $connection->open();
* ~~~
* After the DB connection is established, one can execute a SQL statement like the following:
* After the DB connection is established, one can execute SQL statements like the following:
* ~~~
* $command = $connection->createCommand('SELECT * FROM tbl_post');
* $command->execute(); // a non-query SQL statement execution
* // or execute an SQL query and return the results as an array
* $rows = $command->queryAll();
* $posts = $command->queryAll();
* $command = $connection->createCommand('UPDATE tbl_post SET status=1');
* $command->execute();
* ~~~
* One can also do prepared SQL execution and bind parameters to the prepared SQL:
* One can also do prepared SQL execution and bind parameters to the prepared SQL.
* When the parameters are coming from user input, you should use this approach
* to prevent SQL injection attacks. The following is an example:
* ~~~
* $command = $connection->createCommand('SELECT * FROM tbl_post WHERE id=:id');
......@@ -47,7 +49,10 @@ use yii\db\Exception;
* $post = $command->query();
* ~~~
* DB transaction may also be used for DBMS that supports it. For example,
* For more information about how to perform various DB queries, please refer to [[Command]].
* If the underlying DBMS supports transactions, you can perform transactional SQL queries
* like the following:
* ~~~
* $transaction = $connection->beginTransaction();
......@@ -62,9 +67,8 @@ use yii\db\Exception;
* }
* ~~~
* Since Connection extends from [[\yii\base\ApplicationComponent]], it can
* be used as an application component and be configured in application configuration,
* like the following,
* Connection is often used as an [[\yii\base\ApplicationComponent|application component]] and configured in the application
* configuration like the following:
* ~~~
* array(
......@@ -89,10 +93,7 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
* @var string the Data Source Name, or DSN, contains the information required to connect to the database.
* Please refer to the [PHP manual]( on
* the format of the DSN string.
* Note that if your database is using GBK or BIG5 charset, we highly recommend you
* to upgrade to PHP 5.3.6+ and specify charset via DSN like the following to prevent
* from hacking: `mysql:dbname=mydatabase;host=;charset=GBK;`.
* @see charset
public $dsn;
......@@ -130,6 +131,7 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
public $schemaCachingDuration = -1;
* @var array list of tables whose metadata should NOT be cached. Defaults to empty array.
* The table names may contain schema prefix, if any. Do not quote the table names.
* @see schemaCachingDuration
public $schemaCachingExclude = array();
......@@ -156,7 +158,7 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
public $queryCachingDuration = -1;
* @var CCacheDependency the dependency that will be used when saving query results into cache.
* @var \yii\caching\Dependency the dependency that will be used when saving query results into cache.
* Defaults to null, meaning no dependency.
* @see queryCachingDuration
......@@ -189,8 +191,8 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
* @var boolean whether to turn on prepare emulation. Defaults to false, meaning PDO
* will use the native prepare support if available. For some databases (such as MySQL),
* this may need to be set true so that PDO can emulate the prepare support to bypass
* the buggy native prepare support. Note, this property is only effective for PHP 5.1.3 or above.
* The default value is null, which will not change the ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES value of PDO.
* the buggy native prepare support.
* The default value is null, which means the PDO ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES value will not be changed.
public $emulatePrepare;
......@@ -209,30 +211,35 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
public $enableProfiling = false;
* @var string the default prefix for table names. Defaults to null, meaning no table prefix.
* By setting this property, any token like '{{tableName}}' in [[Command::text]] will
* @var string the default prefix for table names. Defaults to null, meaning not using table prefix.
* By setting this property, any token like '{{TableName}}' in [[Command::sql]] will
* be replaced with 'prefixTableName', where 'prefix' refers to this property value.
* For example, '{{post}}' becomes 'tbl_post', if 'tbl_' is set as the table prefix.
* Note that if you set this property to be an empty string, then '{{post}}' will be replaced
* with 'post'.
public $tablePrefix;
* @var array list of SQL statements that should be executed right after the DB connection is established.
* @var array a list of SQL statements that should be executed right after the DB connection is established.
public $initSQLs;
* @var array mapping between PDO drivers and schema classes.
* @var array mapping between PDO driver names and [[Schema]] classes.
* The keys of the array are PDO driver names while the values the corresponding
* schema class name or configuration. Please refer to [[\Yii::createComponent]] for
* details on how to specify a configuration.
* This property is mainly used by [[getSchema]] when fetching the database schema information.
* You normally do not need to set this property unless you want to use your own
* [[Schema]] class to support DBMS that is not supported by Yii.
public $schemaMap = array(
'pgsql' => '\yii\db\dao\pgsql\Schema', // PostgreSQL
'mysqli' => '\yii\db\dao\mysql\Schema', // MySQL
'mysql' => '\yii\db\dao\mysql\Schema', // MySQL
'sqlite' => '\yii\db\dao\sqlite\Schema', // sqlite 3
'sqlite2' => '\yii\db\dao\\sqlite\Schema', // sqlite 2
'sqlite2' => '\yii\db\dao\sqlite\Schema', // sqlite 2
'mssql' => '\yii\db\dao\mssql\Schema', // Mssql driver on windows hosts
'dblib' => '\yii\db\dao\mssql\Schema', // dblib drivers on linux (and maybe others os) hosts
'sqlsrv' => '\yii\db\dao\mssql\Schema', // Mssql
......@@ -306,9 +313,9 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
* [[queryCachingCount]].
* @param integer $duration the number of seconds that query results may remain valid in cache.
* See [[queryCachingDuration]] for more details.
* @param CCacheDependency $dependency the dependency for the cached query result.
* @param \yii\caching\Dependency $dependency the dependency for the cached query result.
* See [[queryCachingDependency]] for more details.
* @param integer $queryCount number of SQL queries that need to be cached after calling this method.
* @param integer $queryCount the number of SQL queries that need to be cached after calling this method.
* See [[queryCachingCount]] for more details.
* @return Connection the connection instance itself.
......@@ -332,7 +339,7 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
throw new Exception('Connection.dsn cannot be empty.');
try {
\Yii::trace('Opening DB connection', __CLASS__);
\Yii::trace('Opening DB connection: ' . $this->dsn, __CLASS__);
$this->pdo = $this->createPdoInstance();
......@@ -355,17 +362,18 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
public function close()
if ($this->pdo !== null) {
\Yii::trace('Closing DB connection', __CLASS__);
\Yii::trace('Closing DB connection: ' . $this->dsn, __CLASS__);
$this->pdo = null;
$this->_schema = null;
$this->_transaction = null;
* Creates the PDO instance.
* This method is called by [[open]] to establish a DB connection.
* The default implementation will create a PHP `PDO` instance.
* You may override this method if the default `PDO` needs to be adapted for certain DBMS.
* The default implementation will create a PHP PDO instance.
* You may override this method if the default PDO needs to be adapted for certain DBMS.
* @return \PDO the pdo instance
protected function createPdoInstance()
......@@ -374,7 +382,7 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
if (($pos = strpos($this->dsn, ':')) !== false) {
$driver = strtolower(substr($this->dsn, 0, $pos));
if ($driver === 'mssql' || $driver === 'dblib' || $driver === 'sqlsrv') {
$pdoClass = '\yii\db\dao\mssql\PDO';
$pdoClass = 'mssql\PDO';
return new $pdoClass($this->dsn, $this->username, $this->password, $this->attributes);
......@@ -383,7 +391,7 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
* Initializes the DB connection.
* This method is invoked right after the DB connection is established.
* The default implementation sets the [[charset]] and executes SQLs specified
* The default implementation sets the database [[charset]] and executes SQLs specified
* in [[initSQLs]].
protected function initConnection()
......@@ -393,8 +401,7 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
$this->pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, $this->emulatePrepare);
if ($this->charset !== null) {
$driver = strtolower($this->pdo->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME));
if (in_array($driver, array('pgsql', 'mysql', 'mysqli'))) {
if (in_array($this->getDriverName(), array('pgsql', 'mysql', 'mysqli'))) {
$this->pdo->exec('SET NAMES ' . $this->pdo->quote($this->charset));
......@@ -407,10 +414,12 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
* Creates a command for execution.
* @param mixed $query the DB query to be executed. This can be either a string representing a SQL statement,
* or an array representing different fragments of a SQL statement. Please refer to [[Command::__construct]]
* for more details about how to pass an array as the query. If this parameter is not given,
* you will have to call query builder methods in [[Command]] to build the DB query.
* @param mixed $query the DB query to be executed. This can be:
* - a string representing the SQL statement to be executed
* - a [[Query]] object representing the SQL query
* - an array that will be used to initialize [[Query]]
* - null (default) if the query needs to be built using query builder methods next.
* @return Command the DB command
public function createCommand($query = null)
......@@ -432,7 +441,7 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
* Starts a transaction.
* @return CDbTransaction the transaction initiated
* @return Transaction the transaction initiated
public function beginTransaction()
......@@ -443,8 +452,8 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
* Returns the database schema for the current connection
* @return CDbSchema the database schema for the current connection
* Returns the metadata information for the underlying database.
* @return Schema the metadata information for the underlying database.
public function getSchema()
......@@ -462,6 +471,10 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
* Returns the query builder for the current DB connection.
* @return QueryBuilder the query builder for the current DB connection.
public function getQueryBuilder()
return $this->getSchema()->getQueryBuilder();
......@@ -481,6 +494,7 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
* Quotes a string value for use in a query.
* Note that if the parameter is not a string, it will be returned without change.
* @param string $str string to be quoted
* @return string the properly quoted string
* @see
......@@ -504,6 +518,7 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
* Quotes a table name for use in a query.
* If the table name contains schema prefix, the prefix will also be properly quoted.
* @param string $name table name
* @param boolean $simple if this is true, then the method will assume $name is a table name without schema prefix.
* @return string the properly quoted table name
public function quoteTableName($name, $simple = false)
......@@ -513,13 +528,14 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
* Quotes a column name for use in a query.
* If the column name contains prefix, the prefix will also be properly quoted.
* If the column name contains table prefix, the prefix will also be properly quoted.
* @param string $name column name
* @param boolean $simple if this is true, then the method will assume $name is a column name without table prefix.
* @return string the properly quoted column name
public function quoteColumnName($name, $simple = false)
return $simple ? $this->getSchema()->quoteColumnName($name) : $this->getSchema()->quoteSimpleColumnName($name);
return $simple ? $this->getSchema()->quoteSimpleColumnName($name) : $this->getSchema()->quoteColumnName($name);
......@@ -584,6 +600,7 @@ class Connection extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
* In order to use this method, [[enableProfiling]] has to be set true.
* @return array the first element indicates the number of SQL statements executed,
* and the second element the total time spent in SQL execution.
* @see \yii\logging\Logger::getProfiling()
public function getStats()
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class Schema extends \yii\db\dao\Schema
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$fks = array_map('trim', explode(',', str_replace('`', '', $match[1])));
$pks = array_map('trim', explode(',', str_replace('`', '', $match[3])));
$constraint = array(str_replace('`', '', $match[2])),
$constraint = array(str_replace('`', '', $match[2]));
foreach ($fks as $k => $name) {
$constraint[$name] = $pks[$k];
......@@ -7,13 +7,14 @@ class ConnectionTest extends TestCase
function setUp()
if(!extension_loaded('pdo') || !extension_loaded('pdo_mysql'))
$this->markTestSkipped('PDO and MySQL extensions are required.');
$this->markTestSkipped('pdo and pdo_mysql extensions are required.');
function testConstruct()
$connection = $this->createConnection();
$params = $this->getParam('mysql');
$connection = new Connection($params['dsn'], $params['username'], $params['password']);
$this->assertEquals($params['dsn'], $connection->dsn);
$this->assertEquals($params['username'], $connection->username);
$this->assertEquals($params['password'], $connection->password);
......@@ -21,8 +22,8 @@ class ConnectionTest extends TestCase
function testOpenClose()
$params = $this->getParam('mysql');
$connection = new Connection($params['dsn'], $params['username'], $params['password']);
$connection = $this->createConnection();
$this->assertEquals(null, $connection->pdo);
......@@ -39,6 +40,58 @@ class ConnectionTest extends TestCase
function testGetDriverName()
$connection = $this->createConnection();
$this->assertEquals('mysql', $connection->driverName);
function testQuoteValue()
$connection = $this->createConnection();
$this->assertEquals(123, $connection->quoteValue(123));
$this->assertEquals("'string'", $connection->quoteValue('string'));
$this->assertEquals("'It\'s interesting'", $connection->quoteValue("It's interesting"));
function testQuoteTableName()
$connection = $this->createConnection();
$this->assertEquals('`table`', $connection->quoteTableName('table'));
$this->assertEquals('`table`', $connection->quoteTableName('`table`'));
$this->assertEquals('`schema`.`table`', $connection->quoteTableName('schema.table'));
function testQuoteColumnName()
$connection = $this->createConnection();
$this->assertEquals('`column`', $connection->quoteColumnName('column'));
$this->assertEquals('`column`', $connection->quoteColumnName('`column`'));
$this->assertEquals('`table`.`column`', $connection->quoteColumnName('table.column'));
function testGetPdoType()
$connection = $this->createConnection();
$this->assertEquals(\PDO::PARAM_BOOL, $connection->getPdoType('boolean'));
$this->assertEquals(\PDO::PARAM_INT, $connection->getPdoType('integer'));
$this->assertEquals(\PDO::PARAM_STR, $connection->getPdoType('string'));
$this->assertEquals(\PDO::PARAM_NULL, $connection->getPdoType('NULL'));
function testAttribute()
function createConnection()
$params = $this->getParam('mysql');
return new Connection($params['dsn'], $params['username'], $params['password']);
function testCreateCommand()
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