Commit dcc7cc54 by funson86

new tranlation

parent 7554721e
视图是 [MVC]( 模式中的一部分。
......@@ -9,13 +8,9 @@ Views
## 创建视图 <a name="creating-views"></a>
## Creating Views <a name="creating-views"></a>
As aforementioned, a view is simply a PHP script mixed with HTML and PHP code. The following is the view
that presents a login form. As you can see, PHP code is used to generate the dynamic content, such as the
page title and the form, while HTML code organizes them into a presentable HTML page.
......@@ -40,32 +35,19 @@ $this->title = 'Login';
在视图中,可访问 `$this` 指向 [[yii\web\View|view component]] 来管理和渲染这个视图文件。
Within a view, you can access `$this` which refers to the [[yii\web\View|view component]] managing
and rendering this view template.
除了 `$this`之外,上述示例中的视图有其他预定义变量如 `$model`
这些变量代表从[控制器](或其他触发[视图渲染](#rendering-views)的对象 *传入* 到视图的数据。
Besides `$this`, there may be other predefined variables in a view, such as `$model` in the above
example. These variables represent the data that are *pushed* into the view by [controllers](
or other objects whose trigger the [view rendering](#rendering-views).
> 技巧: 将预定义变量列到视图文件头部注释处,这样可被IDE编辑器识别,也是生成视图文档的好方法。
> Tip: The predefined variables are listed in a comment block at beginning of a view so that they can
be recognized by IDEs. It is also a good way of documenting your views.
### 安全 <a name="security"></a>
### Security <a name="security"></a>
否则,你的应用可能会被[跨站脚本]( 攻击。
When creating views that generate HTML pages, it is important that you encode and/or filter the data coming
from end users before presenting them. Otherwise, your application may be subject to
[cross-site scripting]( attacks.
要显示纯文本,先调用 [[yii\helpers\Html::encode()]] 进行转码,例如如下代码将用户名在显示前先转码:
To display a plain text, encode it first by calling [[yii\helpers\Html::encode()]]. For example, the following code
encodes the user name before displaying it:
......@@ -91,12 +73,9 @@ use yii\helpers\HtmlPurifier;
> 技巧:HTMLPurifier在保证输出数据安全上做的不错,但性能不佳,如果你的应用需要高性能可考虑
[缓存]( 过滤后的结果。
> Tip: While HTMLPurifier does excellent job in making output safe, it is not fast. You should consider
[caching]( the filtering result if your application requires high performance.
### 组织视图 <a name="organizing-views"></a>
### Organizing Views <a name="organizing-views"></a>
[控制器]([模型]( 类似,在组织视图上有一些约定:
......@@ -108,27 +87,14 @@ use yii\helpers\HtmlPurifier;
* 对于 [小部件]( 渲染的视图文件默认放在 `WidgetPath/views` 目录,
其中 `WidgetPath` 代表小部件类文件所在的目录;
* 对于其他对象渲染的视图文件,建议遵循和小部件相似的规则。
* For views rendered by a controller, they should be put under the directory `@app/views/ControllerID` by default,
where `ControllerID` refers to the [controller ID]( For example, if
the controller class is `PostController`, the directory would be `@app/views/post`; If it is `PostCommentController`,
the directory would be `@app/views/post-comment`. In case the controller belongs to a module, the directory
would be `views/ControllerID` under the [[yii\base\Module::basePath|module directory]].
* For views rendered in a [widget](, they should be put under the `WidgetPath/views` directory by
default, where `WidgetPath` stands for the directory containing the widget class file.
* For views rendered by other objects, it is recommended that you follow the similar convention as that for widgets.
可覆盖控制器或小部件的 [[yii\base\ViewContextInterface::getViewPath()]] 方法来自定义视图文件默认目录。
You may customize these default view directories by overriding the [[yii\base\ViewContextInterface::getViewPath()]]
method of controllers or widgets.
## 渲染视图 <a name="rendering-views"></a>
## Rendering Views <a name="rendering-views"></a>
可在 [控制器](, [小部件](, 或其他地方调用渲染视图方法来渲染视图,
You can render views in [controllers](, [widgets](, or any
other places by calling view rendering methods. These methods share a similar signature shown as follows,
......@@ -150,13 +116,6 @@ methodName($view, $params = [])
* [[yii\web\Controller::renderAjax()|renderAjax()]]: 渲染一个 [视图名](#named-views) 并且不使用布局,
* [[yii\base\Controller::renderFile()|renderFile()]]: 渲染一个视图文件目录或[别名](下的视图文件。
* [[yii\base\Controller::render()|render()]]: renders a [named view](#named-views) and applies a [layout](#layouts)
to the rendering result.
* [[yii\base\Controller::renderPartial()|renderPartial()]]: renders a [named view](#named-views) without any layout.
* [[yii\web\Controller::renderAjax()|renderAjax()]]: renders a [named view](#named-views) without any layout,
and injects all registered JS/CSS scripts and files. It is usually used in response to AJAX Web requests.
* [[yii\base\Controller::renderFile()|renderFile()]]: renders a view specified in terms of a view file path or
......@@ -187,18 +146,14 @@ class PostController extends Controller
### 小部件中渲染 <a name="rendering-in-widgets"></a>
### Rendering in Widgets <a name="rendering-in-widgets"></a>
[小部件]( 中,可调用以下小部件方法来渲染视图:
Within [widgets](, you may call the following widget methods to render views.
* [[yii\base\Widget::render()|render()]]: 渲染一个 [视图名](#named-views).
* [[yii\base\Widget::renderFile()|renderFile()]]: 渲染一个视图文件目录或[别名](下的视图文件。
* [[yii\base\Widget::render()|render()]]: renders a [named view](#named-views).
* [[yii\base\Widget::renderFile()|renderFile()]]: renders a view specified in terms of a view file path or
For example,
namespace app\components;
......@@ -222,25 +177,16 @@ class ListWidget extends Widget
### 视图中渲染 <a name="rendering-in-views"></a>
### Rendering in Views <a name="rendering-in-views"></a>
可以在视图中渲染另一个视图,可以调用[[yii\base\View|view component]]视图组件提供的以下方法:
You can render a view within another view by calling one of the following methods provided by the [[yii\base\View|view component]]:
* [[yii\base\View::render()|render()]]: 渲染一个 [视图名](#named-views).
* [[yii\web\View::renderAjax()|renderAjax()]]: 渲染一个 [视图名](#named-views)
* [[yii\base\View::renderFile()|renderFile()]]: 渲染一个视图文件目录或[别名](下的视图文件。
* [[yii\base\View::render()|render()]]: renders a [named view](#named-views).
* [[yii\web\View::renderAjax()|renderAjax()]]: renders a [named view](#named-views) and injects all registered
JS/CSS scripts and files. It is usually used in response to AJAX Web requests.
* [[yii\base\View::renderFile()|renderFile()]]: renders a view specified in terms of a view file path or
例如,视图中的如下代码会渲染该视图所在目录下的 `_overview.php` 视图文件,
记住视图中 `$this` 对应 [[yii\base\View|view]] 组件:
For example, the following code in a view renders the `_overview.php` view file which is in the same directory
as the view being currently rendered. Remember that `$this` in a view refers to the [[yii\base\View|view]] component:
<?= $this->render('_overview') ?>
......@@ -248,12 +194,9 @@ as the view being currently rendered. Remember that `$this` in a view refers to
### 其他地方渲染 <a name="rendering-in-other-places"></a>
### Rendering in Other Places <a name="rendering-in-other-places"></a>
在任何地方都可以通过表达式 `Yii::$app->view` 访问 [[yii\base\View|view]] 应用组件,
In any place, you can get access to the [[yii\base\View|view]] application component by the expression
`Yii::$app->view` and then call its aforementioned methods to render a view. For example,
// 显示视图文件 "@app/views/site/license.php"
......@@ -262,59 +205,35 @@ echo \Yii::$app->view->renderFile('@app/views/site/license.php');
### 视图名 <a name="named-views"></a>
### Named Views <a name="named-views"></a>
我们称用名字的视图为 *视图名*.
A view name is resolved into the corresponding view file path according to the following rules:
* 视图名可省略文件扩展名,这种情况下使用 `.php` 作为扩展,
视图名 `about` 对应到 `about.php` 文件名;
* A view name may omit the file extension name. In this case, `.php` will be used as the extension. For example,
the view name `about` corresponds to the file name `about.php`.
* 视图名以双斜杠 `//` 开头,对应的视图文件路径为 `@app/views/ViewName`
也就是说视图文件在 [[yii\base\Application::viewPath|application's view path]] 路径下找,
例如 `//site/about` 对应到 `@app/views/site/about.php`
* If the view name starts with double slashes `//`, the corresponding view file path would be `@app/views/ViewName`.
That is, the view is looked for under the [[yii\base\Application::viewPath|application's view path]].
For example, `//site/about` will be resolved into `@app/views/site/about.php`.
* 视图名以单斜杠`/`开始,视图文件路径以当前使用[模块]([[yii\base\Module::viewPath|view path]]开始,
如果不存在模块,使用`@app/views/ViewName`开始,例如,如果当前模块为`user``/user/create` 对应成
`@app/modules/user/views/user/create.php`, 如果在模块中,`/user/create`对应`@app/views/user/create.php`
* If the view name starts with a single slash `/`, the view file path is formed by prefixing the view name
with the [[yii\base\Module::viewPath|view path]] of the currently active [module](
If there is no active module, `@app/views/ViewName` will be used. For example, `/user/create` will be resolved into
`@app/modules/user/views/user/create.php`, if the currently active module is `user`. If there is no active module,
the view file path would be `@app/views/user/create.php`.
* 如果 [[yii\base\View::context|context]] 渲染视图 并且上下文实现了 [[yii\base\ViewContextInterface]],
视图文件路径由上下文的 [[yii\base\ViewContextInterface::getViewPath()|view path]] 开始,
如果上下文为控制器`SiteController``site/about` 对应到 `@app/views/site/about.php`
* If the view is rendered with a [[yii\base\View::context|context]] and the context implements [[yii\base\ViewContextInterface]],
the view file path is formed by prefixing the [[yii\base\ViewContextInterface::getViewPath()|view path]] of the
context to the view name. This mainly applies to the views rendered within controllers and widgets. For example,
`site/about` will be resolved into `@app/views/site/about.php` if the context is the controller `SiteController`.
* 如果视图渲染另一个视图,包含另一个视图文件的目录以当前视图的文件路径开始,
例如被视图`@app/views/post/index.php` 渲染的 `item` 对应到 `@app/views/post/item`
* If a view is rendered within another view, the directory containing the other view file will be prefixed to
the new view name to form the actual view file path. For example, `item` will be resolved into `@app/views/post/item`
if it is being rendered in the view `@app/views/post/index.php`.
根据以上规则,在控制器中 `app\controllers\PostController` 调用 `$this->render('view')`
实际上渲染 `@app/views/post/view.php` 视图文件,当在该视图文件中调用 `$this->render('_overview')`
会渲染 `@app/views/post/_overview.php` 视图文件。
According to the above rules, calling `$this->render('view')` in a controller `app\controllers\PostController` will
actually render the view file `@app/views/post/view.php`, while calling `$this->render('_overview')` in that view
will render the view file `@app/views/post/_overview.php`.
### 视图中访问数据 <a name="accessing-data-in-views"></a>
### Accessing Data in Views <a name="accessing-data-in-views"></a>
There are two approaches to access data within a view: push and pull.
视图渲染时,调用PHP `extract()` 方法将该数组转换为视图可访问的变量。
......@@ -338,19 +257,13 @@ The controller ID is: <?= $this->context->id ?>
The push approach is usually the preferred way of accessing data in views, because it makes views less dependent
on context objects. Its drawback is that you need to manually build the data array all the time, which could
become tedious and error prone if a view is shared and rendered in different places.
### 视图间共享数据 <a name="sharing-data-among-views"></a>
### Sharing Data among Views <a name="sharing-data-among-views"></a>
[[yii\base\View|view component]]视图组件提供[[yii\base\View::params|params]]参数属性来让不同视图共享数据。
For example, in an `about` view, you can have the following code which specifies the current segment of the
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'About Us';
......@@ -367,33 +280,20 @@ $this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'About Us';
## 布局 <a name="layouts"></a>
## Layouts <a name="layouts"></a>
Layouts are a special type of views that represent the common parts of multiple views. For example, the pages
for most Web applications share the same page header and footer. While you can repeat the same page header and footer
in every view, a better way is to do this once in a layout and embed the rendering result of a content view at
an appropriate place in the layout.
### 创建布局 <a name="creating-layouts"></a>
### Creating Layouts <a name="creating-layouts"></a>
[模块](中使用的布局应存储在[[yii\base\Module::basePath|module directory]]模块目录
Because layouts are also views, they can be created in the similar way as normal views. By default, layouts
are stored in the directory `@app/views/layouts`. For layouts used within a [module](,
they should be stored in the `views/layouts` directory under the [[yii\base\Module::basePath|module directory]].
You may customize the default layout directory by configuring the [[yii\base\Module::layoutPath]] property of
the application or modules.
The following example shows how a layout looks like. Note that for illustrative purpose, we have greatly simplified
the code in the layout. In practice, you may want to add more content to it, such as head tags, main menu, etc.
......@@ -424,15 +324,9 @@ use yii\helpers\Html;
As you can see, the layout generates the HTML tags that are common to all pages. Within the `<body>` section,
the layout echoes the `$content` variable which represents the rendering result of content views and is pushed
into the layout when [[yii\base\Controller::render()]] is called.
Most layouts should call the following methods like shown in the above code. These methods mainly trigger events
about the rendering process so that scripts and tags registered in other places can be properly injected into
the places where these methods are called.
- [[yii\base\View::beginPage()|beginPage()]]: 该方法应在布局的开始处调用,
它触发表明页面开始的 [[yii\base\View::EVENT_BEGIN_PAGE|EVENT_BEGIN_PAGE]] 事件。
......@@ -449,36 +343,23 @@ the places where these methods are called.
### 布局中访问数据 <a name="accessing-data-in-layouts"></a>
### Accessing Data in Layouts <a name="accessing-data-in-layouts"></a>
在布局中可访问两个预定义变量:`$this``$content`,前者对应和普通视图类似的[[yii\base\View|view]] 视图组件
If you want to access other data in layouts, you have to use the pull method as described in
the [Accessing Data in Views](#accessing-data-in-views) subsection. If you want to pass data from a content view
to a layout, you may use the method described in the [Sharing Data among Views](#sharing-data-among-views) subsection.
### 使用布局 <a name="using-layouts"></a>
### Using Layouts <a name="using-layouts"></a>
As described in the [Rendering in Controllers](#rendering-in-controllers) subsection, when you render a view
by calling the [[yii\base\Controller::render()|render()]] method in a controller, a layout will be applied
to the rendering result. By default, the layout `@app/views/layouts/main.php` will be used.
可配置[[yii\base\Application::layout]] 或 [[yii\base\Controller::layout]] 使用其他布局文件,
例如,如下代码使 `post` 控制器渲染视图时使用 `@app/views/layouts/post.php` 作为布局文件,
假如 `layout` 属性没改变,控制器默认使用 `@app/views/layouts/main.php` 作为布局文件。
You may use a different layout by configuring either [[yii\base\Application::layout]] or [[yii\base\Controller::layout]].
The former governs the layout used by all controllers, while the latter overrides the former for individual controllers.
For example, the following code makes the `post` controller to use `@app/views/layouts/post.php` as the layout
when rendering its views. Other controllers, assuming their `layout` property is untouched, will still use the default
`@app/views/layouts/main.php` as the layout.
namespace app\controllers;
......@@ -496,11 +377,8 @@ class PostController extends Controller
对于模块中的控制器,可配置模块的 [[yii\base\Module::layout|layout]] 属性指定布局文件应用到模块的所有控制器。
由于`layout` 可在不同层级(控制器、模块,应用)配置,在幕后Yii使用两步来决定控制器实际使用的布局。
Because the `layout` property may be configured at different levels (controllers, modules, application),
behind the scene Yii takes two steps to determine what is the actual layout file being used for a particular controller.
In the first step, it determines the layout value and the context module:
- 如果控制器的 [[yii\base\Controller::layout]] 属性不为空null,使用它作为布局的值,
控制器的 [[yii\base\Controller::module|module]]模块 作为上下文模块。
......@@ -514,12 +392,11 @@ In the first step, it determines the layout value and the context module:
- 路径别名 (如 `@app/views/layouts/main`).
- 绝对路径 (如 `/main`): 布局的值以斜杠开始,在应用的[[yii\base\Application::layoutPath|layout path] 布局路径
中查找实际的布局文件,布局路径默认为 `@app/views/layouts`
- 相对路径 (如 `main`): 在上下文模块的[[yii\base\Module::layoutPath|layout path]]布局路径中查找实际的布局文件,the actual layout file will be looked for under the context module's
- 相对路径 (如 `main`): 在上下文模块的[[yii\base\Module::layoutPath|layout path]]布局路径中查找实际的布局文件,
布局路径默认为[[yii\base\Module::basePath|module directory]]模块目录下的`views/layouts` 目录。
- 布尔值 `false`: 不使用布局。
布局的值没有包含文件扩展名,默认使用 `.php`作为扩展名。
If the layout value does not contain a file extension, it will use the default one `.php`.
### 嵌套布局 <a name="nested-layouts"></a>
......@@ -543,11 +420,9 @@ If the layout value does not contain a file extension, it will use the default o
Using the above approach, you can nest layouts in more than one levels.
### 使用数据块 <a name="using-blocks"></a>
### Using Blocks <a name="using-blocks"></a>
......@@ -556,10 +431,8 @@ Using the above approach, you can nest layouts in more than one levels.
使用 `$view->blocks[$blockID]` 访问该数据块,其中 `$blockID` 为定义数据块时指定的唯一标识ID。
The following example shows how you can use blocks to customize specific parts of a layout in a content view.
First, in a content view, define one or multiple blocks:
......@@ -609,7 +482,6 @@ First, in a content view, define one or multiple blocks:
## 使用视图组件 <a name="using-view-components"></a>
## Using View Components <a name="using-view-components"></a>
[[yii\base\View|View components]]视图组件提供许多视图相关特性,可创建[[yii\base\View]]或它的子类实例来获取视图组件,
大多数情况下主要使用 `view` 应用组件,可在[应用配置](中配置该组件,
......@@ -628,7 +500,6 @@ First, in a content view, define one or multiple blocks:
View components provide the following useful view-related features, each described in more details in a separate section:
* [主题]( 允许为你的Web站点开发和修改主题;
* [片段缓存]( 允许你在Web页面中缓存片段;
......@@ -636,29 +507,17 @@ View components provide the following useful view-related features, each describ
* [资源包处理]( 支持 [资源包](的注册和渲染;
* [模板引擎]( 允许你使用其他模板引擎,如
[Twig](, [Smarty](
* [theming]( allows you to develop and change the theme for your Web site.
* [fragment caching]( allows you to cache a fragment within a Web page.
* [client script handling]( supports CSS and JavaScript registration and rendering.
* [asset bundle handling]( supports registering and rendering of [asset bundles](
* [alternative template engines]( allows you to use other template engines, such as
[Twig](, [Smarty](
You may also frequently use the following minor yet useful features when you are developing Web pages.
### 设置页面标题 <a name="setting-page-titles"></a>
### Setting Page Titles <a name="setting-page-titles"></a>
每个Web页面应有一个标题,正常情况下标题的标签显示在 [布局](#layouts)中,
但是实际上标题大多由内容视图而不是布局来决定,为解决这个问题, [[yii\web\View]] 提供
[[yii\web\View::title|title]] 标题属性可让标题信息从内容视图传递到布局中。
Every Web page should have a title. Normally the title tag is being displayed in a [layout](#layouts). However, in practice
the title is often determined in content views rather than layouts. To solve this problem, [[yii\web\View]] provides
the [[yii\web\View::title|title]] property for you to pass the title information from content views to layouts.
To make use of this feature, in each content view, you can set the page title like the following:
......@@ -667,7 +526,6 @@ $this->title = 'My page title';
然后在视图中,确保在 `<head>` 段中有如下代码:
Then in the layout, make sure you have the following code in the `<head>` section:
<title><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></title>
......@@ -675,7 +533,6 @@ Then in the layout, make sure you have the following code in the `<head>` sectio
### 注册Meta元标签 <a name="registering-meta-tags"></a>
### Registering Meta Tags <a name="registering-meta-tags"></a>
......@@ -698,8 +555,6 @@ $this->registerMetaTag(['name' => 'keywords', 'content' => 'yii, framework, php'
例如,如下代码注册两次 "description" 元标签,但是只会渲染第二个。
To make sure there is only a single instance of a meta tag type, you can specify a key as a second parameter when calling the method.
For example, the following code registers two "description" meta tags. However, only the second one will be rendered.
$this->registerMetaTag(['name' => 'description', 'content' => 'This is my cool website made with Yii!'], 'description');
......@@ -708,7 +563,6 @@ $this->registerMetaTag(['name' => 'description', 'content' => 'This website is a
### 注册链接标签 <a name="registering-link-tags"></a>
### Registering Link Tags <a name="registering-link-tags"></a>
[Meta标签](#adding-meta-tags) 类似,链接标签有时很使用,如自定义网站图标,指定Rss订阅,或授权OpenID到其他服务器。
......@@ -723,7 +577,6 @@ $this->registerLinkTag([
The code above will result in
<link title="Live News for Yii" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="">
......@@ -734,7 +587,6 @@ The code above will result in
## 视图事件 <a name="view-events"></a>
## View Events <a name="view-events"></a>
[[yii\base\View|View components]] 视图组件会在视图渲染过程中触发几个事件,
......@@ -747,18 +599,8 @@ The code above will result in
- [[yii\base\View::EVENT_END_PAGE|EVENT_END_PAGE]]: 在布局调用 [[yii\base\View::endPage()]] 是触发;
- [[yii\web\View::EVENT_BEGIN_BODY|EVENT_BEGIN_BODY]]: 在布局调用 [[yii\web\View::beginBody()]] 时触发;
- [[yii\web\View::EVENT_END_BODY|EVENT_END_BODY]]: 在布局调用 [[yii\web\View::endBody()]] 时触发。
- [[yii\base\View::EVENT_BEFORE_RENDER|EVENT_BEFORE_RENDER]]: triggered at the beginning of rendering a file
in a controller. Handlers of this event may set [[yii\base\ViewEvent::isValid]] to be false to cancel the rendering process.
- [[yii\base\View::EVENT_AFTER_RENDER|EVENT_AFTER_RENDER]]: triggered by the call of [[yii\base\View::beginPage()]] in layouts.
Handlers of this event may obtain the rendering result through [[yii\base\ViewEvent::output]] and may modify
this property to change the rendering result.
- [[yii\base\View::EVENT_BEGIN_PAGE|EVENT_BEGIN_PAGE]]: triggered by the call of [[yii\base\View::beginPage()]] in layouts.
- [[yii\base\View::EVENT_END_PAGE|EVENT_END_PAGE]]: triggered by the call of [[yii\base\View::endPage()]] in layouts.
- [[yii\web\View::EVENT_BEGIN_BODY|EVENT_BEGIN_BODY]]: triggered by the call of [[yii\web\View::beginBody()]] in layouts.
- [[yii\web\View::EVENT_END_BODY|EVENT_END_BODY]]: triggered by the call of [[yii\web\View::endBody()]] in layouts.
For example, the following code injects the current date at the end of the page body:
\Yii::$app->view->on(View::EVENT_END_BODY, function () {
......@@ -768,14 +610,10 @@ For example, the following code injects the current date at the end of the page
## 渲染静态页面 <a name="rendering-static-pages"></a>
## Rendering Static Pages <a name="rendering-static-pages"></a>
Static pages refer to those Web pages whose main content are mostly static without the need of accessing
dynamic data pushed from controllers.
You can output static pages by putting their code in the view, and then using the code like the following in a controller:
public function actionAbout()
......@@ -787,9 +625,6 @@ public function actionAbout()
为解决这个问题,可以使用一个在控制器中称为 [[yii\web\ViewAction]] 的[独立操作](
If a Web site contains many static pages, it would be very tedious repeating the similar code many times.
To solve this problem, you may introduce a [standalone action](
called [[yii\web\ViewAction]] in a controller. For example,
namespace app\controllers;
......@@ -822,21 +657,14 @@ http://localhost/index.php?r=site/page&view=about
## 最佳实践 <a name="best-practices"></a>
## Best Practices <a name="best-practices"></a>
Views are responsible for presenting models in the format that end users desire. In general, views
* 应主要包含展示代码,如HTML, 和简单的PHP代码来控制、格式化和渲染数据;
* 不应包含执行数据查询代码,这种代码放在模型中;
* 应避免直接访问请求数据,如 `$_GET`, `$_POST`,这种应在控制器中执行,
* 可读取模型属性,但不应修改它们。
* should mainly contain presentational code, such as HTML, and simple PHP code to traverse, format and render data.
* should not contain code that performs DB queries. Such code should be done in models.
* should avoid direct access to request data, such as `$_GET`, `$_POST`. This belongs to controllers.
If request data is needed, they should be pushed into views by controllers.
* may read model properties, but should not modify them.
......@@ -844,9 +672,3 @@ Views are responsible for presenting models in the format that end users desire.
* 将复杂的视图分成几个小视图,可使用上面描述的渲染方法将这些小视图渲染并组装成大视图;
* 创建并使用 [小部件]( 作为视图的数据块;
* 创建并使用助手类在视图中转换和格式化数据。
* use [layouts](#layouts) to represent common presentational sections (e.g. page header, footer).
* divide a complicated view into several smaller ones. The smaller views can be rendered and assembled into a bigger
one using the rendering methods that we have described.
* create and use [widgets]( as building blocks of views.
* create and use helper classes to transform and format data in views.
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