Translated intro-upgrade-from-v1 [skip ci]

parent 93a9aa5f
......@@ -20,9 +20,10 @@ Yii 2.0 完全拥抱 [Composer]( 的使用,它其实
PHP 需求
Yii 2.0 requires PHP 5.4 or above, which is a huge improvement over PHP version 5.2 that is required by Yii 1.1.
As a result, there are many differences on the language level that you should pay attention to.
Below is a summary of the major changes regarding PHP:
Yii 2.0 需求 PHP 5.4 或以上版本,该版本相对于 Yii 1.1 所需求的 PHP 5.2
下面是在 PHP 层级发生的主要变化的一个小汇总:
- [命名空间](
- [匿名函数](
......@@ -236,14 +237,12 @@ ActiveForm::end();
Themes work completely differently in 2.0. They are now based on a path mapping mechanism that maps a source
view file path to a themed view file path. For example, if the path map for a theme is
`['/web/views' => '/web/themes/basic']`, then the themed version for the view file
`/web/views/site/index.php` will be `/web/themes/basic/site/index.php`. For this reason, themes can now
be applied to any view file, even a view rendered outside of the context of a controller or a widget.
2.0 主题的运作方式跟以往完全不同了。它们现在基于一个
`['/web/views' => '/web/themes/basic']`,那么 `/web/views/site/index.php` 视图的主题修饰版就会是
Also, there is no more `CThemeManager` component. Instead, `theme` is a configurable property of the `view`
application component.
同样,`CThemeManager` 组件已经被移除了。取而代之的是,`theme` 成为了 `view` 应用组件的一个可配置属性。
......@@ -251,15 +250,13 @@ application component.
控制台应用(Console Application)
Console applications are now organized as controllers, like Web applications. Console controllers
should extend from [[yii\console\Controller]], similar to `CConsoleCommand` in 1.1.
控制台应用现在如普通的 Web 应用程序一样,由控制器组成,控制台的控制器继承自 [[yii\console\Controller]]
,类似于1.1的 `CConsoleCommand`
To run a console command, use `yii <route>`, where `<route>` stands for a controller route
(e.g. `sitemap/index`). Additional anonymous arguments are passed as the parameters to the
corresponding controller action method, while named arguments are parsed according to
the declarations in [[yii\console\Controller::options()]].
运行控制台命令使用 `yii <route>`,其中 `<route>` 代表控制器的路由(如 `sitemap/index`)。额外的匿名参数传递到对应的控制器操作,而有名的参数根据
[[yii\console\Controller::options()]] 的声明来解析。
Yii 2.0 supports automatic generation of command help information from comment blocks.
Yii 2.0 支持基于代码注释自动生成相关命令的帮助(help)信息。
......@@ -301,13 +298,11 @@ public function behaviors()
Yii 2.0 introduces a new concept called *asset bundle* that replaces the script package concept found in Yii 1.1.
Yii 2.0 引入了一个新的概念,称为 *资源包*(Asset Bundle),以代替 1.1 的脚本包概念。
An asset bundle is a collection of asset files (e.g. JavaScript files, CSS files, image files, etc.)
within a directory. Each asset bundle is represented as a class extending [[yii\web\AssetBundle]].
By registering an asset bundle via [[yii\web\AssetBundle::register()]], you make
the assets in that bundle accessible via the Web. Unlike in Yii 1, the page registering the bundle will automatically
contain the references to the JavaScript and CSS files specified in that bundle.
一个资源包是一个目录下的资源文件集合(如 JavaScript 文件、CSS 文件、图片文件等)。每一个资源包被表示为一个类,该类继承自
[[yii\web\AssetBundle]]。用 [[yii\web\AssetBundle::register()]] 方法注册一个资源包后,就使它的资源可被 Web
访问,注册了资源包的页面会自动包含和引用资源包内指定的 JS 和 CSS 文件。
更多细节请参阅 [前端资源管理(Asset)]( 章节。
......@@ -329,10 +324,10 @@ Yii 2.0 很多常用的静态助手类,包括:
Yii 2.0 introduces the *field* concept for building a form using [[yii\widgets\ActiveForm]]. A field
is a container consisting of a label, an input, an error message, and/or a hint text.
A field is represented as an [[yii\widgets\ActiveField|ActiveField]] object.
Using fields, you can build a form more cleanly than before:
Yii 2.0 引进了 *表单栏(field)* 的概念,用来创建一个基于 [[yii\widgets\ActiveForm]]
的表单。一个表单栏是一个由标签、输入框、错误消息(可能还有提示文字)组成的容器,被表示为 [[yii\widgets\ActiveField|ActiveField]] 对象。
<?php $form = yii\widgets\ActiveForm::begin(); ?>
......@@ -350,10 +345,11 @@ Using fields, you can build a form more cleanly than before:
查询生成器(Query Builder)
In 1.1, query building was scattered among several classes, including `CDbCommand`,
`CDbCriteria`, and `CDbCommandBuilder`. Yii 2.0 represents a DB query in terms of a [[yii\db\Query|Query]] object
that can be turned into a SQL statement with the help of [[yii\db\QueryBuilder|QueryBuilder]] behind the scene.
For example:
Yii 1.1中,查询语句的构建分散在多个类中,包括`CDbCommand``CDbCriteria` 以及
`CDbCommandBuilder`。Yii 2.0 以 [[yii\db\Query|Query]] 对象的形式表示一个数据库查询,这个对象可以在
[[yii\db\QueryBuilder|QueryBuilder]] 的帮助下于幕后生成 SQL 语句。
$query = new \yii\db\Query();
......@@ -366,7 +362,7 @@ $sql = $command->sql;
$rows = $command->queryAll();
Best of all, such query building methods can also be used when working with [Active Record](
请参考[查询生成器(Query Builder)]( 章节了解更多内容。
......@@ -374,25 +370,24 @@ Best of all, such query building methods can also be used when working with [Act
活动记录(Active Record)
Yii 2.0 的[活动记录](改动了很多。两个最显而易见的改动分别涉及构建查询(query
Yii 2.0 的[活动记录](改动了很多。两个最显而易见的改动分别涉及查询语句的构建(query
building)和关联查询的处理(relational query handling)。
在 1.1 中的 `CDbCriteria` 类在 Yii 2 中被 [[yii\db\ActiveQuery]] (活动查询)所替代。这个类是继承自
The `CDbCriteria` class in 1.1 is replaced by [[yii\db\ActiveQuery]] in Yii 2. That class extends from [[yii\db\Query]], and thus
inherits all query building methods. You call [[yii\db\ActiveRecord::find()]] to start building a query:
[[yii\db\Query]],因此也继承了所有查询生成方法。当需要开始拼装一个查询了,你可以调用 [[yii\db\ActiveRecord::find()]]
// To retrieve all *active* customers and order them by their ID:
// 检索所有 *活动的* 客户和订单,并以 ID 排序:
$customers = Customer::find()
->where(['status' => $active])
To declare a relation, simply define a getter method that returns an [[yii\db\ActiveQuery|ActiveQuery]] object.
The property name defined by the getter represents the relation name. For example, the following code declares
an `orders` relation (in 1.1, you would have to declare relations in a central place `relations()`):
要声明一个关联关系,只需简单地定义一个 getter 方法来返回一个 [[yii\db\ActiveQuery|ActiveQuery]]
对象。getter 方法定义的属性名(译者注:即 getOrders() 中的 orders)表示关联关系名。如,以下代码声明了一个名为 `orders`
的关系(1.1 中必须在 `relations()` 方法内声明关系):
class Customer extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
......@@ -403,29 +398,24 @@ class Customer extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
Now you can use `$customer->orders` to access a customer's orders from the related table. You can also use the following code
to perform an on-the-fly relational query with a customized query condition:
现在你就可以通过调用 `$customer->orders`
$orders = $customer->getOrders()->andWhere('status=1')->all();
When eager loading a relation, Yii 2.0 does it differently from 1.1. In particular, in 1.1 a JOIN query
would be created to select both the primary and the relational records. In Yii 2.0, two SQL statements are executed
without using JOIN: the first statement brings back the primary records and the second brings back the relational
records by filtering with the primary keys of the primary records.
当贪婪加载一段关联关系时,Yii 2.0 和 1.1 的运作机理并不相同。具体来说,在 1.1 中,为同时选出主表和关联记录,会生成一个 JOIN
查询。在 Yii 2.0 中会使用两个没有 JOIN 的 SQL 语句:第一条语句取回主表记录,第二条取回用主表记录的主键信息筛选后的关联记录。
Instead of returning [[yii\db\ActiveRecord|ActiveRecord]] objects, you may chain the [[yii\db\ActiveQuery::asArray()|asArray()]]
method when building a query to return a large number of records. This will cause the query result to be returned
as arrays, which can significantly reduce the needed CPU time and memory if large number of records . For example:
当构建会返回大量记录的查询时,可以添加 [[yii\db\ActiveQuery::asArray()|asArray()]] 方法链的方法,这样会以数组的形式返回查询结果,而不必返回
[[yii\db\ActiveRecord|ActiveRecord]] 对象,这能明显降低因大量记录读取所消耗的 CPU 时间和内存。如:
$customers = Customer::find()->asArray()->all();
Another change is that you can't define attribute default values through public properties anymore.
If you need those, you should set them in the init method of your record class.
另一个改变是你不能再通过公共数据定义特性(Attribute)的默认值了。如果你需要这么做的话,你可以在你的记录类的 `init` 方法中设置它们。
public function init()
......@@ -435,8 +425,8 @@ public function init()
There where some problems with overriding the constructor of an ActiveRecord class in 1.1. These are not present in
version 2.0 anymore. Note that when adding parameters to the constructor you might have to override [[yii\db\ActiveRecord::instantiate()]].
曾几何时,在 1.1 中重写一个活动记录类的构造器(Constructor)会导致一些问题。它们在 2.0
中不会再出现了。需要注意的是,如果你需要在构造器中添加一些参数,你恐怕必须重写 [[yii\db\ActiveRecord::instantiate()]] 方法。
活动记录方面还有很多其他的变化与改进,请参考 [活动记录]( 章节以了解更多细节。
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