Commit c8cb40cb by Qiang Xue

Finished view tutorial [skip ci]

parent 1bf8fd5e
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Application Structure
* **TBD** [Filters](
* **TBD** [Widgets](
* **TBD** [Modules](
* [Assets](
* [Asset Bundles](
* **TBD** [Extensions](
......@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ Displaying Data
* **TBD** [Sorting](
* [Data Providers](
* [Data Widgets](
* [Working with Client Scripts](
* [Theming](
Working with Client Scripts
> Note: This section is under development.
### Registering scripts
With the [[yii\web\View]] object you can register scripts. There are two dedicated methods for it:
[[yii\web\View::registerJs()|registerJs()]] for inline scripts and
[[yii\web\View::registerJsFile()|registerJsFile()]] for external scripts.
Inline scripts are useful for configuration and dynamically generated code.
The method for adding these can be used as follows:
$this->registerJs("var options = ".json_encode($options).";", View::POS_END, 'my-options');
The first argument is the actual JS code we want to insert into the page. The second argument
determines where script should be inserted into the page. Possible values are:
- [[yii\web\View::POS_HEAD|View::POS_HEAD]] for head section.
- [[yii\web\View::POS_BEGIN|View::POS_BEGIN]] for right after opening `<body>`.
- [[yii\web\View::POS_END|View::POS_END]] for right before closing `</body>`.
- [[yii\web\View::POS_READY|View::POS_READY]] for executing code on document `ready` event. This will register [[yii\web\JqueryAsset|jQuery]] automatically.
- [[yii\web\View::POS_LOAD|View::POS_LOAD]] for executing code on document `load` event. This will register [[yii\web\JqueryAsset|jQuery]] automatically.
The last argument is a unique script ID that is used to identify code block and replace existing one with the same ID
instead of adding a new one. If you don't provide it, the JS code itself will be used as the ID.
An external script can be added like the following:
$this->registerJsFile('', [JqueryAsset::className()]);
The arguments for [[yii\web\View::registerJsFile()|registerJsFile()]] are similar to those for
[[yii\web\View::registerCssFile()|registerCssFile()]]. In the above example,
we register the `main.js` file with the dependency on `JqueryAsset`. This means the `main.js` file
will be added AFTER `jquery.js`. Without this dependency specification, the relative order between
`main.js` and `jquery.js` would be undefined.
Like for [[yii\web\View::registerCssFile()|registerCssFile()]], it is also highly recommended that you use
[asset bundles]( to register external JS files rather than using [[yii\web\View::registerJsFile()|registerJsFile()]].
### Registering asset bundles
As was mentioned earlier it's preferred to use asset bundles instead of using CSS and JavaScript directly. You can get
details on how to define asset bundles in [asset manager]( section of the guide. As for using already defined
asset bundle, it's very straightforward:
### Registering CSS
You can register CSS using [[yii\web\View::registerCss()|registerCss()]] or [[yii\web\View::registerCssFile()|registerCssFile()]].
The former registers a block of CSS code while the latter registers an external CSS file. For example,
$this->registerCss("body { background: #f00; }");
The code above will result in adding the following to the head section of the page:
body { background: #f00; }
If you want to specify additional properties of the style tag, pass an array of name-values to the third argument.
If you need to make sure there's only a single style tag use fourth argument as was mentioned in meta tags description.
$this->registerCssFile("", [BootstrapAsset::className()], ['media' => 'print'], 'css-print-theme');
The code above will add a link to CSS file to the head section of the page.
* The first argument specifies the CSS file to be registered.
* The second argument specifies that this CSS file depends on [[yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset|BootstrapAsset]], meaning it will be added
AFTER the CSS files in [[yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset|BootstrapAsset]]. Without this dependency specification, the relative order
between this CSS file and the [[yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset|BootstrapAsset]] CSS files would be undefined.
* The third argument specifies the attributes for the resulting `<link>` tag.
* The last argument specifies an ID identifying this CSS file. If it is not provided, the URL of the CSS file will be
used instead.
It is highly recommended that you use [asset bundles]( to register external CSS files rather than
using [[yii\web\View::registerCssFile()|registerCssFile()]]. Using asset bundles allows you to combine and compress
multiple CSS files, which is desirable for high traffic websites.
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ to facilitate view composition and rendering. For simplicity, we often call view
as views.
## Creating Views
## Creating Views <a name="creating-views"></a>
As aforementioned, a view is simply a PHP script mixed with HTML and PHP code. The following is the view
that presents a login form. As you can see, PHP code is used to generate the dynamic content, such as the
......@@ -46,20 +46,52 @@ example. These variables represent the data that are *pushed* into the view by [
or other objects whose trigger the [view rendering](#rendering-views).
> Tip: The predefined variables are listed in a comment block at beginning of a view so that they can
be recognized by IDEs. It is also a good practice to document your views.
be recognized by IDEs. It is also a good way of documenting your views.
TODO: features in creating views
### Security <a name="security"></a>
When creating views that generate HTML pages, it is important that you encode and/or filter the data coming
from end users before presenting them. Otherwise, your application may be subject to
[cross-site scripting]( attacks.
To display a plain text, encode it first by calling [[yii\helpers\Html::encode()]]. For example, the following code
encodes the user name before displaying it:
use yii\helpers\Html;
<div class="username">
<?= Html::encode($user->name) ?>
To display HTML content, use [[yii\helpers\HtmlPurifier]] to filter the content first. For example, the following
code filters the post content before displaying it:
use yii\helpers\HtmlPurifier;
<div class="post">
<?= HtmlPurifier::process($post->text) ?>
> Tip: While HTMLPurifier does excellent job in making output safe, it is not fast. You should consider
[caching]( the filtering result if your application requires high performance.
## Organizing Views
### Organizing Views <a name="organizing-views"></a>
Like [controllers]( and [models](, there are conventions to organize views.
* For views rendered in a controller, they should be put under the directory `@app/views/ControllerID` by default,
where `ControllerID` refers to [the ID of the controller]( For example, if
the controller class is `PostController`, the directory would be `@app/views/post`; If the class is `PostCommentController`,
where `ControllerID` refers to the [controller ID]( For example, if
the controller class is `PostController`, the directory would be `@app/views/post`; If it is `PostCommentController`,
the directory would be `@app/views/post-comment`. In case the controller belongs to a module, the directory
would be `views/ControllerID` under the [[yii\base\Module::basePath|module directory]].
* For views rendered in a [widget](, they should be put under the `WidgetPath/views` directory by
......@@ -70,7 +102,7 @@ You may customize these default view directories by overriding the [[yii\base\Vi
method of controllers or widgets.
## Rendering Views
## Rendering Views <a name="rendering-views"></a>
You can render views in [controllers](, [widgets](, or any
other places by calling view rendering methods. These methods share a similar signature shown as follows,
......@@ -85,7 +117,7 @@ methodName($view, $params = [])
### Rendering in Controllers
### Rendering in Controllers <a name="rendering-in-controllers"></a>
Within [controllers](, you may call the following controller methods to render views:
......@@ -125,7 +157,7 @@ class PostController extends Controller
### Rendering in Widgets
### Rendering in Widgets <a name="rendering-in-widgets"></a>
Within [widgets](, you may call the following widget methods to render views.
......@@ -156,10 +188,9 @@ class ListWidget extends Widget
### Rendering in Other Places
### Rendering in Views <a name="rendering-in-views"></a>
In any place, you can render views with the help of the [[yii\base\View|view]] application component by calling
its following methods:
You can render a view within another view by calling one of the following methods provided by the [[yii\base\View|view component]]:
* [[yii\base\View::render()|render()]]: renders a [named view](#named-views).
* [[yii\web\View::renderAjax()|renderAjax()]]: renders a [named view](#named-views) and injects all registered
......@@ -167,22 +198,26 @@ its following methods:
* [[yii\base\View::renderFile()|renderFile()]]: renders a view specified in terms of a view file path or
For example,
For example, the following code in a view renders the `_overview.php` view file which is in the same directory
as the view being currently rendered. Remember that `$this` in a view refers to the [[yii\base\View|view]] component:
// displays the view file "@app/views/site/license.php"
echo \Yii::$app->view->renderFile('@app/views/site/license.php');
<?= $this->render('_overview') ?>
If you are rendering a view within another view, you can use the following code, because `$this` in a view refers to
the [[yii\base\View|view]] component:
### Rendering in Other Places <a name="rendering-in-other-places"></a>
In any place, you can get access to the [[yii\base\View|view]] application component by the expression
`Yii::$app->view` and then call its aforementioned methods to render a view. For example,
<?= $this->renderFile('@app/views/site/license.php') ?>
// displays the view file "@app/views/site/license.php"
echo \Yii::$app->view->renderFile('@app/views/site/license.php');
## Named Views
### Named Views <a name="named-views"></a>
When you render a view, you can specify the view using either a view name or a view file path/alias. In most cases,
you would use the former because it is more concise and flexible. We call views specified using names as *named views*.
......@@ -207,48 +242,17 @@ A view name is resolved into the corresponding view file path according to the f
the new view name to form the actual view file path. For example, `item` will be resolved into `@app/views/post/item`
if it is being rendered in the view `@app/views/post/index.php`.
According to the above rules, the following code in a controller is actually rendering the view file
namespace app\controllers;
use Yii;
use app\models\Post;
use yii\web\Controller;
use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException;
class PostController extends Controller
public function actionView($id)
$model = Post::findOne($id);
if ($model === null) {
throw new NotFoundHttpException;
// renders a view named "view" and applies a layout to it
return $this->render('view', [
'model' => $model,
And the following code in the view `@app/views/post/view.php` is actually rendering the view file
<?= $this->render('_overview', ['model' => $model]) ?>
According to the above rules, calling `$this->render('view')` in a controller `app\controllers\PostController` will
actually render the view file `@app/views/post/view.php`, while calling `$this->render('_overview')` in that view
will render the view file `@app/views/post/_overview.php`.
### Accessing Data in Views
### Accessing Data in Views <a name="accessing-data-in-views"></a>
There are two approaches to access data within a view: push and pull.
By passing the data as the second parameter to the view rendering methods, you are using the push approach.
The data should be represented be an array of name-value pairs. When the view is being rendered, the PHP
The data should be represented as an array of name-value pairs. When the view is being rendered, the PHP
`extract()` function will be called on this array so that the array is extracted into variables in the view.
For example, the following view rendering code in a controller will push two variables to the `report` view:
`$foo = 1` and `$bar = 2`.
......@@ -260,22 +264,44 @@ echo $this->render('report', [
The pull approach actively retrieves data from the [[yii\base\View::context|view context object]]. Using the above
code as an example, within the view you can get the controller object by the expression `$this->context`.
As a result, it is possible for you to access any properties or methods of the controller in the `report` view.
For example, in the `report` view you may pull the `id` data like the following:
The pull approach actively retrieves data from the [[yii\base\View|view component]] or other objects accessible
in views (e.g. `Yii::$app`). Using the above code as an example, within the view you can get the controller object
by the expression `$this->context`. And as a result, it is possible for you to access any properties or methods
of the controller in the `report` view, such as the controller ID shown in the following:
The controller ID is: <?= $this->context->id ?>
The pull approach is usually the preferred way of accessing data in views, because it makes views less dependent
The push approach is usually the preferred way of accessing data in views, because it makes views less dependent
on context objects. Its drawback is that you need to manually build the data array all the time, which could
becomes tedious and error prone if a view is shared and rendered in different places.
## Layouts
### Sharing Data among Views <a name="sharing-data-among-views"></a>
The [[yii\base\View|view component]] provides the [[yii\base\View::params|params]] property that you can use
to share data among views.
For example, in an `about` view, you can have the following code which specifies the current segment of the
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'About Us';
Then, in the [layout](#layouts) file, which is also a view, you can display the breadcrumbs using the data
passed along [[yii\base\View::params|params]]:
<?= yii\widgets\Breadcrumbs::widget([
'links' => isset($this->params['breadcrumbs']) ? $this->params['breadcrumbs'] : [],
]) ?>
## Layouts <a name="layouts"></a>
Layouts are a special type of views that represent the common parts of multiple views. For example, the pages
for most Web applications share the same page header and footer. While you can repeat the same page header and footer
......@@ -283,10 +309,16 @@ in every view, a better way is to do this once in a layout and embed the renderi
an appropriate place in the layout.
### Creating Layouts
### Creating Layouts <a name="creating-layouts"></a>
Because layouts are also views, they can be created in the similar way as normal views. The following example
shows how a layout looks like:
Because layouts are also views, they can be created in the similar way as normal views. By default, layouts
are stored in the directory `@app/views/layouts`. For layouts used within a [module](,
they should be stored in the `views/layouts` directory under the [[yii\base\Module::basePath|module directory]].
You may customize the default layout directory by configuring the [[yii\base\Module::layoutPath]] property of
the application or modules.
The following example shows how a layout looks like. Note that for illustrative purpose, we have greatly simplified
the code in the layout. In practice, you may want to add more content to it, such as head tags, main menu, etc.
......@@ -298,235 +330,230 @@ use yii\helpers\Html;
<?php $this->beginPage() ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="<?= Yii::$app->language ?>">
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="<?= Yii::$app->charset ?>"/>
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<?= Html::csrfMetaTags() ?>
<title><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></title>
<?php $this->head() ?>
<?php $this->beginBody() ?>
<div class="container">
<header>My Company</header>
<?= $content ?>
<footer class="footer">&copy; 2014 by me :)</footer>
<footer>&copy; 2014 by My Company</footer>
<?php $this->endBody() ?>
<?php $this->endPage() ?>
The above layout is used to generate HTML pages. It generates HTML tags that are common to all pages. You may
also generate other common HTML tags in the layout, such as head tags, main menu, etc.
Within a layout, you have access to a special variable named `$content`. This is the only variable injected into
the layout by the controller when the [[yii\base\Controller::render()]] method is called to render a view.
The value of `$content` represents the rendering result of the view. As you can see in the above code,
`$content` is embedded within the body part of the layout.
As you can see, the layout generates the HTML tags that are common to all pages. Within the `<body>` section,
the layout echoes the `$content` variable which represents the rendering result of content views and is pushed
into the layout when [[yii\base\Controller::render()]] is called.
Besides `$content`, you can also access the [[yii\base\View|view]] component via `$this`, like in normal views.
Most layouts should call the following methods like shown in the above code. These methods mainly trigger events
about the rendering process so that scripts and tags registered in other places can be properly injected into
the places where these methods are called.
- [[yii\base\View::beginPage()|beginPage()]]: This method should be called at the very beginning of the layout.
It triggers the [[yii\base\View::EVENT_BEGIN_PAGE|EVENT_BEGIN_PAGE]] event which indicates the beginning of a page.
- [[yii\base\View::endPage()|endPage()]]: This method should be called at the end of the layout.
It triggers the [[yii\base\View::EVENT_END_PAGE|EVENT_END_PAGE]] event which indicates the end of a page.
- [[yii\web\View::head()|head()]]: This method should be called within the `<head>` section of an HTML page.
It generates a placeholder which will be replaced with the registered head HTML code (e.g. link tags, meta tags)
when a page finishes rendering.
- [[yii\base\View::beginBody()|beginBody()]]: This method should be called at the beginning of the `<body>` section.
It triggers the [[yii\web\View::EVENT_BEGIN_BODY|EVENT_BEGIN_BODY]] event and generates a placeholder which will
be replaced by the registered HTML code (e.g. JavaScript) targeted at the body begin position.
- [[yii\base\View::endBody()|endBody()]]: This method should be called at the end of the `<body>` section.
It triggers the [[yii\web\View::EVENT_END_BODY|EVENT_END_BODY]] event and generates a placeholder which will
be replaced by the registered HTML code (e.g. JavaScript) targeted at the body end position.
### Organizing Layouts
### Accessing Data in Layouts <a name="accessing-data-in-layouts"></a>
Within a layout, you have access to two predefined variables: `$this` and `$content`. The former refers to
the [[yii\base\View|view]] component, like in normal views, while the latter contains the rendering result of a content
view which is rendered by calling the [[yii\base\Controller::render()|render()]] method in controllers.
If you want to access other data in layouts, you have to use the pull method as described in
the [Accessing Data in Views](#accessing-data-in-views) subsection. If you want to pass data from a content view
to a layout, you may use the method described in the [Sharing Data among Views](#sharing-data-among-views) subsection.
### Using Layouts
A layout is applied when you call the [[yii\base\Controller::render()|render()]] method in a controller. The method
will first render the view being requested; it will then render the layout specified by the [[yii\base\Controller::layout]]
property of the controller and push the rendering result of the view into the layout as a variable `$content`.
### Using Layouts <a name="using-layouts"></a>
As described in the [Rendering in Controllers](#rendering-in-controllers) subsection, when you render a view
by calling the [[yii\base\Controller::render()|render()]] method in a controller, a layout will be applied
to the rendering result. By default, the layout `@app/views/layouts/main.php` will be used.
You may use a different layout by configuring either [[yii\base\Application::layout]] or [[yii\base\Controller::layout]].
The former governs the layout used by all controllers, while the latter overrides the former for individual controllers.
For example, the following code makes the `post` controller to use `@app/views/layouts/post.php` as the layout
when rendering its views. Other controllers, assuming their `layout` property is untouched, will still use the default
`@app/views/layouts/main.php` as the layout.
### View Events
namespace app\controllers;
use yii\web\Controller;
The [[yii\base\View|view]] component provides several *placeholder* methods, such as `head()` and `beginBody()`,
which generate placeholders which will be replaced later by
class PostController extends Controller
public $layout = 'post';
// ...
For controllers belonging to a module, you may also configure the module's [[yii\base\Module::layout|layout]] property to
use a particular layout for these controllers.
code shows a typical layout
A layout is a very convenient way to represent the part of the page that is common for all or at least for most pages
generated by your application. Typically it includes `<head>` section, footer, main menu and alike elements.
You can find a fine example of the layout in a [basic application template]( Here we'll review the very
basic one without any widgets or extra markup.
Because the `layout` property may be configured at different levels (controllers, modules, application),
behind the scene Yii takes two steps to determine what is the actual layout file being used for a particular controller.
In the first step, it determines the layout value and the context module:
In the markup above there's some code. First of all, `$content` is a variable that will contain result of views rendered
with controller's `$this->render()` method.
- If the [[yii\base\Controller::layout]] property of the controller is not null, use it as the layout value and
the [[yii\base\Controller::module|module]] of the controller as the context module.
- If [[yii\base\Controller::layout|layout]] is null, search through all ancestor modules of the controller and
find the first module whose [[yii\base\Module::layout|layout]] property is not null. Use that module and
its [[yii\base\Module::layout|layout]] value as the context module and the chosen layout value.
If such a module cannot be found, it means no layout will be applied.
We are importing [[yii\helpers\Html|Html]] helper via standard PHP `use` statement. This helper is typically used for almost all views
where one need to escape outputted data.
In the second step, it determines the actual layout file according to the layout value and the context module
determined in the first step. The layout value can be:
Several special methods such as [[yii\web\View::beginPage()|beginPage()]]/[[yii\web\View::endPage()|endPage()]],
[[yii\web\View::head()|head()]], [[yii\web\View::beginBody()|beginBody()]]/[[yii\web\View::endBody()|endBody()]]
are triggering page rendering events that are used for registering scripts, links and process page in many other ways.
Always include these in your layout in order for the rendering to work correctly.
- a path alias (e.g. `@app/views/layouts/main`).
- an absolute path (e.g. `/main`): the layout value starts with a slash. The actual layout file will be
looked for under the application's [[yii\base\Application::layoutPath|layout path]] which defaults to
- a relative path (e.g. `main`): the actual layout file will be looked for under the context module's
[[yii\base\Module::layoutPath|layout path]] which defaults to the `views/layouts` directory under the
[[yii\base\Module::basePath|module directory]].
- the boolean value `false`: no layout will be applied.
By default layout is loaded from `views/layouts/main.php`. You may change it at controller or module level by setting
different value to `layout` property.
If the layout value does not contain a file extension, it will use the default one `.php`.
In order to pass data from controller to layout, that you may need for breadcrumbs or similar elements, use view component
params property. In controller it can be set as:
$this->view->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Contact';
### Nested Layouts <a name="nested-layouts"></a>
In a view it will be:
Sometimes you may want to nest one layout in another. For example, in different sections of a Web site, you
want to use different layouts, while all these layouts share the same basic layout that generates the overall
HTML5 page structure. You can achieve this goal by calling with [[yii\base\View::beginContent()|beginContent()]],
[[yii\base\View::endContent()|endContent()]] in the child layouts like the following:
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Contact';
<?php $this->beginContent('@app/views/layouts/base.php'); ?>
In layout file the value can be used like the following:
...child layout content here...
<?= Breadcrumbs::widget([
'links' => isset($this->params['breadcrumbs']) ? $this->params['breadcrumbs'] : [],
]) ?>
<?php $this->endContent(); ?>
You may also wrap the view render result into a layout using [[yii\base\View::beginContent()]], [[yii\base\View::endContent()]].
This approach can be used while applying nested layouts:
As shown above, the child layout content should be enclosed within [[yii\base\View::beginContent()|beginContent()]],
[[yii\base\View::endContent()|endContent()]]. The parameter passed to [[yii\base\View::beginContent()|beginContent()]]
specifies what is the parent layout. It can be either a layout file or alias.
<?php $this->beginContent('//layouts/overall') ?>
<div class="content">
<?= $content ?>
<?php $this->endContent() ?>
Using the above approach, you can nest layouts in more than one levels.
### Nested Layouts
### Accessing Data in Layouts
## Using View Components <a name="using-view-components"></a>
[[yii\base\View|View components]] provides many view-related features. While you can get view components
by creating individual instances of [[yii\base\View]] or its child class, in most cases you will mainly use
the `view` application component. You can configure this component in [application configurations](
like the following:
## View Components
// ...
'components' => [
'view' => [
'class' => 'app\components\View',
// ...
### Setting page title
### Adding meta tags
### Registering link tags
### Registering CSS
### Registering scripts
### Static Pages
### Assets
### Alternative Template Engines
View components provide the following useful view-related features, each described in more details in a separate section:
* [theming]( allows you to develop and change the theme for your Web site.
* [fragment caching]( allows you to cache a fragment within a Web page.
* [client script handling]( supports CSS and JavaScript registration and rendering.
* [asset bundle handling]( supports registering and rendering of [asset bundles](
* [alternative template engines]( allows you to use other template engines, such as
[Twig](, [Smarty](
### Rendering Static Pages
You may also frequently use the following minor yet useful features when you are developing Web pages.
Static pages refer to those Web pages whose main content are mostly static without the need of accessing
dynamic data pushed from controllers.
You can generate static pages using the code like the following in a controller:
### Setting Page Titles <a name="setting-page-titles"></a>
public function actionAbout()
return $this->render('about');
Every Web page should have a title. Normally the title tag is generated in a [layout](#layouts). However, in practice
the title is often determined in content views rather than layouts. To solve this problem, [[yii\web\View]] provides
the [[yii\web\View::title|title]] property for you to pass the title information from content views to layouts.
If a Web site contains many static pages, it would be very tedious repeating the similar code many times.
To solve this problem, you may introduce a [standalone action](
called [[yii\web\ViewAction]] in a controller. For example,
To make use of this feature, in each content view, you can set the page title like the following:
namespace app\controllers;
use yii\web\Controller;
class SiteController extends Controller
public function actions()
return [
'page' => [
'class' => 'yii\web\ViewAction',
$this->title = 'My page title';
Now if you create a view named `about` under the directory `@app/views/site/pages`, you will be able to
display this view by the following URL:
Then in the layout, make sure you have the following code in the `<head>` section:
<title><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></title>
The `GET` parameter `view` tells [[yii\web\ViewAction]] which view is requested. The action will then look
for this view under the directory `@app/views/site/pages`. You may configure [[yii\web\ViewAction::viewPrefix]]
to change the directory for searching these views.
## Best Practices
Alternative template languages
### Registering Meta Tags <a name="registering-meta-tags"></a>
There are official extensions for [Smarty]( and [Twig]( In order
to learn more refer to [Using template engines]( section of the guide.
Web pages usually need to generate various meta tags needed by different parties. Like page titles, meta tags
appear in the `<head>` section and are usually generated in layouts.
Using View object in templates
An instance of [[yii\web\View]] component is available in view templates as `$this` variable. Using it in templates you
can do many useful things including setting page title and meta, registering scripts and accessing the context.
### Setting page title
A common place to set page title are view templates. Since we can access view object with `$this`, setting a title
becomes as easy as:
If you want to specify what meta tags to generate in content views, you can call [[yii\web\View::registerMetaTag()]]
in a content view, like the following:
$this->title = 'My page title';
$this->registerMetaTag(['name' => 'keywords', 'content' => 'yii, framework, php']);
### Adding meta tags
Adding meta tags such as encoding, description, keywords is easy with view object as well:
The above code will register a "keywords" meta tag with the view component. The registered meta tag is
not rendered until after the layout finishes rendering. By then, the following HTML code will be inserted
at the place where you call [[yii\web\View::head()]] in the layout and generate the following HTML code:
$this->registerMetaTag(['encoding' => 'utf-8']);
<meta name="keywords" content="yii, framework, php">
The first argument is an map of `<meta>` tag option names and values. The code above will produce:
<meta encoding="utf-8">
Note that if you call [[yii\web\View::registerMetaTag()]] multiple times, it will register multiple meta tags,
regardless whether the meta tags are the same or not.
Sometimes there's a need to have only a single tag of a type. In this case you need to specify the second argument:
To make sure there is only a single instance of a meta tag type, you can specify a key when calling the method.
For example, the following code registers two "description" meta tags. However, only the second one will be rendered.
$this->registerMetaTag(['name' => 'description', 'content' => 'This is my cool website made with Yii!'], 'meta-description');
$this->registerMetaTag(['name' => 'description', 'content' => 'This website is about funny raccoons.'], 'meta-description');
$this->registerMetaTag(['name' => 'description', 'content' => 'This is my cool website made with Yii!'], 'description');
$this->registerMetaTag(['name' => 'description', 'content' => 'This website is about funny raccoons.'], 'description');
If there are multiple calls with the same value of the second argument (`meta-description` in this case), the latter will
override the former and only a single tag will be rendered:
<meta name="description" content="This website is about funny raccoons.">
### Registering Link Tags <a name="registering-link-tags"></a>
### Registering link tags
`<link>` tag is useful in many cases such as customizing favicon, pointing to RSS feed or delegating OpenID to another
server. Yii view object has a method to work with these:
Like [meta tags](#adding-meta-tags), link tags are useful in many cases, such as customizing favicon, pointing to
RSS feed or delegating OpenID to another server. You can work with link tags in the similar way as meta tags
by using [[yii\web\View::registerLinkTag()]]. For example, in a content view, you can register a link tag like follows,
'title' => 'Lives News for Yii Framework',
'title' => 'Live News for Yii',
'rel' => 'alternate',
'type' => 'application/rss+xml',
'href' => '',
......@@ -536,294 +563,101 @@ $this->registerLinkTag([
The code above will result in
<link title="Lives News for Yii Framework" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="" />
Same as with meta tags you can specify additional argument to make sure there's only one link of a type registered.
### Registering CSS
You can register CSS using [[yii\web\View::registerCss()|registerCss()]] or [[yii\web\View::registerCssFile()|registerCssFile()]].
The former registers a block of CSS code while the latter registers an external CSS file. For example,
$this->registerCss("body { background: #f00; }");
The code above will result in adding the following to the head section of the page:
body { background: #f00; }
If you want to specify additional properties of the style tag, pass an array of name-values to the third argument.
If you need to make sure there's only a single style tag use fourth argument as was mentioned in meta tags description.
$this->registerCssFile("", [BootstrapAsset::className()], ['media' => 'print'], 'css-print-theme');
The code above will add a link to CSS file to the head section of the page.
* The first argument specifies the CSS file to be registered.
* The second argument specifies that this CSS file depends on [[yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset|BootstrapAsset]], meaning it will be added
AFTER the CSS files in [[yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset|BootstrapAsset]]. Without this dependency specification, the relative order
between this CSS file and the [[yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset|BootstrapAsset]] CSS files would be undefined.
* The third argument specifies the attributes for the resulting `<link>` tag.
* The last argument specifies an ID identifying this CSS file. If it is not provided, the URL of the CSS file will be
used instead.
It is highly recommended that you use [asset bundles]( to register external CSS files rather than
using [[yii\web\View::registerCssFile()|registerCssFile()]]. Using asset bundles allows you to combine and compress
multiple CSS files, which is desirable for high traffic websites.
### Registering scripts
With the [[yii\web\View]] object you can register scripts. There are two dedicated methods for it:
[[yii\web\View::registerJs()|registerJs()]] for inline scripts and
[[yii\web\View::registerJsFile()|registerJsFile()]] for external scripts.
Inline scripts are useful for configuration and dynamically generated code.
The method for adding these can be used as follows:
$this->registerJs("var options = ".json_encode($options).";", View::POS_END, 'my-options');
The first argument is the actual JS code we want to insert into the page. The second argument
determines where script should be inserted into the page. Possible values are:
- [[yii\web\View::POS_HEAD|View::POS_HEAD]] for head section.
- [[yii\web\View::POS_BEGIN|View::POS_BEGIN]] for right after opening `<body>`.
- [[yii\web\View::POS_END|View::POS_END]] for right before closing `</body>`.
- [[yii\web\View::POS_READY|View::POS_READY]] for executing code on document `ready` event. This will register [[yii\web\JqueryAsset|jQuery]] automatically.
- [[yii\web\View::POS_LOAD|View::POS_LOAD]] for executing code on document `load` event. This will register [[yii\web\JqueryAsset|jQuery]] automatically.
The last argument is a unique script ID that is used to identify code block and replace existing one with the same ID
instead of adding a new one. If you don't provide it, the JS code itself will be used as the ID.
An external script can be added like the following:
$this->registerJsFile('', [JqueryAsset::className()]);
The arguments for [[yii\web\View::registerJsFile()|registerJsFile()]] are similar to those for
[[yii\web\View::registerCssFile()|registerCssFile()]]. In the above example,
we register the `main.js` file with the dependency on `JqueryAsset`. This means the `main.js` file
will be added AFTER `jquery.js`. Without this dependency specification, the relative order between
`main.js` and `jquery.js` would be undefined.
Like for [[yii\web\View::registerCssFile()|registerCssFile()]], it is also highly recommended that you use
[asset bundles]( to register external JS files rather than using [[yii\web\View::registerJsFile()|registerJsFile()]].
### Registering asset bundles
As was mentioned earlier it's preferred to use asset bundles instead of using CSS and JavaScript directly. You can get
details on how to define asset bundles in [asset manager]( section of the guide. As for using already defined
asset bundle, it's very straightforward:
<link title="Live News for Yii" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="">
### Layout
A layout is a very convenient way to represent the part of the page that is common for all or at least for most pages
generated by your application. Typically it includes `<head>` section, footer, main menu and alike elements.
You can find a fine example of the layout in a [basic application template]( Here we'll review the very
basic one without any widgets or extra markup.
use yii\helpers\Html;
<?php $this->beginPage() ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="<?= Yii::$app->language ?>">
<meta charset="<?= Yii::$app->charset ?>"/>
<title><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></title>
<?php $this->head() ?>
<?php $this->beginBody() ?>
<div class="container">
<?= $content ?>
<footer class="footer">&copy; 2013 me :)</footer>
<?php $this->endBody() ?>
<?php $this->endPage() ?>
Similar as [[yii\web\View::registerMetaTag()|registerMetaTags()]], you can specify a key when calling
[[yii\web\View::registerLinkTag()|registerLinkTag()]] to avoid generated repeated link tags.
In the markup above there's some code. First of all, `$content` is a variable that will contain result of views rendered
with controller's `$this->render()` method.
We are importing [[yii\helpers\Html|Html]] helper via standard PHP `use` statement. This helper is typically used for almost all views
where one need to escape outputted data.
## View Events <a name="view-events"></a>
Several special methods such as [[yii\web\View::beginPage()|beginPage()]]/[[yii\web\View::endPage()|endPage()]],
[[yii\web\View::head()|head()]], [[yii\web\View::beginBody()|beginBody()]]/[[yii\web\View::endBody()|endBody()]]
are triggering page rendering events that are used for registering scripts, links and process page in many other ways.
Always include these in your layout in order for the rendering to work correctly.
[[yii\base\View|View components]] trigger several events during the view rendering process. You may respond
to these events to inject content into views or process the rendering results before they are sent to end users.
By default layout is loaded from `views/layouts/main.php`. You may change it at controller or module level by setting
different value to `layout` property.
- [[yii\base\View::EVENT_BEFORE_RENDER|EVENT_BEFORE_RENDER]]: triggered at the beginning of rendering a file
in a controller. Handlers of this event may set [[yii\base\ViewEvent::isValid]] to be false to cancel the rendering process.
- [[yii\base\View::EVENT_AFTER_RENDER|EVENT_AFTER_RENDER]]: triggered by the call of [[yii\base\View::beginPage()]] in layouts.
Handlers of this event may obtain the rendering result through [[yii\base\ViewEvent::output]] and may modify
this property to change the rendering result.
- [[yii\base\View::EVENT_BEGIN_PAGE|EVENT_BEGIN_PAGE]]: triggered by the call of [[yii\base\View::beginPage()]] in layouts.
- [[yii\base\View::EVENT_END_PAGE|EVENT_END_PAGE]]: triggered by the call of [[yii\base\View::endPage()]] in layouts.
- [[yii\web\View::EVENT_BEGIN_BODY|EVENT_BEGIN_BODY]]: triggered by the call of [[yii\web\View::beginBody()]] in layouts.
- [[yii\web\View::EVENT_END_BODY|EVENT_END_BODY]]: triggered by the call of [[yii\web\View::endBody()]] in layouts.
In order to pass data from controller to layout, that you may need for breadcrumbs or similar elements, use view component
params property. In controller it can be set as:
For example, the following code injects the current date at the end of the page body:
$this->view->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Contact';
\Yii::$app->view->on(View::EVENT_END_BODY, function () {
echo date('Y-m-d');
In a view it will be:
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Contact';
## Rendering Static Pages <a name="rendering-static-pages"></a>
In layout file the value can be used like the following:
<?= Breadcrumbs::widget([
'links' => isset($this->params['breadcrumbs']) ? $this->params['breadcrumbs'] : [],
]) ?>
Static pages refer to those Web pages whose main content are mostly static without the need of accessing
dynamic data pushed from controllers.
You may also wrap the view render result into a layout using [[yii\base\View::beginContent()]], [[yii\base\View::endContent()]].
This approach can be used while applying nested layouts:
You can generate static pages using the code like the following in a controller:
<?php $this->beginContent('//layouts/overall') ?>
<div class="content">
<?= $content ?>
<?php $this->endContent() ?>
public function actionAbout()
return $this->render('about');
### Partials
Often you need to reuse some HTML markup in many views and often it's too simple to create a full-featured widget for it.
In this case you may use partials.
Partial is a view as well. It resides in one of directories under `views` and by convention is often started with `_`.
For example, we need to render a list of user profiles and, at the same time, display individual profile elsewhere.
First we need to define a partial for user profile in `_profile.php`:
If a Web site contains many static pages, it would be very tedious repeating the similar code many times.
To solve this problem, you may introduce a [standalone action](
called [[yii\web\ViewAction]] in a controller. For example,
use yii\helpers\Html;
<div class="profile">
<h2><?= Html::encode($username) ?></h2>
<p><?= Html::encode($tagline) ?></p>
namespace app\controllers;
Then we're using it in `index.php` view where we display a list of users:
use yii\web\Controller;
<div class="user-index">
foreach ($users as $user) {
echo $this->render('_profile', [
'username' => $user->name,
'tagline' => $user->tagline,
class SiteController extends Controller
public function actions()
return [
'page' => [
'class' => 'yii\web\ViewAction',
Same way we can reuse it in another view displaying a single user profile:
Now if you create a view named `about` under the directory `@app/views/site/pages`, you will be able to
display this view by the following URL:
echo $this->render('_profile', [
'username' => $user->name,
'tagline' => $user->tagline,
When you call `render()` to render a partial in a current view, you may use different formats to refer to the partial.
The most commonly used format is the so-called relative view name which is as shown in the above example.
The partial view file is relative to the directory containing the current view. If the partial is located under
a subdirectory, you should include the subdirectory name in the view name, e.g., `public/_profile`.
You may use path alias to specify a view, too. For example, `@app/views/common/_profile`.
And you may also use the so-called absolute view names, e.g., `/user/_profile`, `//user/_profile`.
An absolute view name starts with a single slashes or double slashes. If it starts with a single slash,
the view file will be looked for under the view path of the currently active module. Otherwise, it will
will be looked for under the application view path.
### Caching blocks
To learn about caching of view fragments please refer to [caching]( section of the guide.
Customizing View component
Since view is also an application component named `view` you can replace it with your own component that extends
from [[yii\base\View]] or [[yii\web\View]]. It can be done via application configuration file such as `config/web.php`:
return [
// ...
'components' => [
'view' => [
'class' => 'app\components\View',
// ...
The `GET` parameter `view` tells [[yii\web\ViewAction]] which view is requested. The action will then look
for this view under the directory `@app/views/site/pages`. You may configure [[yii\web\ViewAction::viewPrefix]]
to change the directory for searching these views.
One of the main security principles is to always escape output. If violated it leads to script execution and,
most probably, to cross-site scripting known as XSS leading to leaking of admin passwords, making a user to automatically
perform actions etc.
Yii provides a good tool set in order to help you escape your output. The very basic thing to escape is a text without any
markup. You can deal with it like the following:
use yii\helpers\Html;
## Best Practices <a name="best-practices"></a>
<div class="username">
<?= Html::encode($user->name) ?>
Views are responsible for presenting models in the format that end users desire. In general, views
When you want to render HTML it becomes complex so we're delegating the task to excellent
[HTMLPurifier]( library which is wrapped in Yii as a helper [[yii\helpers\HtmlPurifier]]:
* should mainly contain presentational code, such as HTML, and simple PHP code to traverse, format and render data.
* should not contain code that performs DB queries. Such code should be done in models.
* should avoid direct access to request data, such as `$_GET`, `$_POST`. This belongs to controllers.
If request data is needed, they should be pushed into views by controllers.
* may read model properties, but should not modify them.
use yii\helpers\HtmlPurifier;
To make views more manageable, avoid creating views that are too complex or contain too much redundant code.
You may use the following techniques to achieve this goal:
<div class="post">
<?= HtmlPurifier::process($post->text) ?>
* use [layouts](#layouts) to represent common presentational sections (e.g. page header, footer).
* divide a complicated view into several smaller ones. The smaller views can be rendered and assembled into a bigger
one using the rendering methods that we have described.
* create and use [widgets]( as building blocks of views.
* create and use helper classes to transform and format data in views.
Note that besides HTMLPurifier does excellent job making output safe it's not very fast so consider
[caching result](
......@@ -249,9 +249,9 @@ This validator checks if the input is a valid uploaded file.
- `maxFiles`: the maximum number of files that the given attribute can hold. Defaults to 1, meaning
the input must be a single uploaded file. If it is greater than 1, then the input must be an array
consisting of at most `maxFiles` number of uploaded files.
- `checkExtensionByMimeType`: whether to check file type (extension) with mime-type. If extension produced by
file mime-type check differs from uploaded file extension, the file will be considered as invalid. Defaults to true,
meaning perform check.
- `checkExtensionByMimeType`: whether to check the file extension by the file's MIME type. If the extension produced by
MIME type check differs from the uploaded file extension, the file will be considered as invalid. Defaults to true,
meaning perform such check.
`FileValidator` is used together with [[yii\web\UploadedFile]]. Please refer to the [Uploading Files](
section for complete coverage about uploading files and performing validation about the uploaded files.
......@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ class Controller extends Component implements ViewContextInterface
* - a path alias (e.g. "@app/views/layouts/main");
* - an absolute path (e.g. "/main"): the layout name starts with a slash. The actual layout file will be
* looked for under the [[Application::layoutPath|layout path]] of the application;
* - a relative path (e.g. "main"): the actual layout layout file will be looked for under the
* - a relative path (e.g. "main"): the actual layout file will be looked for under the
* [[Module::layoutPath|layout path]] of the context module.
* If the layout name does not contain a file extension, it will use the default one `.php`.
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