Commit a5a2481b by Qiang Xue

Added acceptance tests for the basic app.

parent 6c5dfc04
tests: tests
log: tests/_log
data: tests/_data
helpers: tests/_helpers
bootstrap: _bootstrap.php
suite_class: \PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite
colors: true
memory_limit: 1024M
log: true
dsn: ''
user: ''
password: ''
dump: tests/_data/dump.sql
$config = require(__DIR__ . '/web.php');
// ... customize $config for the "test" environment here...
return $config;
$params = require(__DIR__ . '/params.php');
return array(
'id' => 'bootstrap',
'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__),
'preload' => array('log'),
'modules' => array(
// 'debug' => array(
// 'class' => 'yii\debug\Module',
// )
'components' => array(
'cache' => array(
'class' => 'yii\caching\FileCache',
......@@ -27,11 +22,8 @@ return array(
'class' => 'yii\logging\FileTarget',
'levels' => array('error', 'warning'),
// array(
// 'class' => 'yii\logging\DebugTarget',
// )
'params' => $params,
'params' => require(__DIR__ . '/params.php'),
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ class SiteController extends Controller
return array(
'captcha' => array(
'class' => 'yii\web\CaptchaAction',
'fixedVerifyCode' => YII_ENV === 'test' ? 'testme' : null,
/* Replace this file with actual dump of your database */
\ No newline at end of file
namespace Codeception\Module;
// here you can define custom functions for CodeGuy
class CodeHelper extends \Codeception\Module
namespace Codeception\Module;
// here you can define custom functions for TestGuy
class TestHelper extends \Codeception\Module
namespace Codeception\Module;
// here you can define custom functions for WebGuy
class WebHelper extends \Codeception\Module
\ No newline at end of file
# Codeception Test Suite Configuration
# suite for acceptance tests.
# perform tests in browser using the Selenium-like tools.
# powered by Mink (
# (tip: that's what your customer will see).
# (tip: test your ajax and javascript by one of Mink drivers).
class_name: WebGuy
- PhpBrowser
- WebHelper
url: 'http://localhost/index-test.php'
$I = new WebGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('ensure that about works');
$I->see('About', 'h1');
$I = new WebGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('ensure that contact works');
$I->see('Contact', 'h1');
$I->submitForm('#contact-form', array());
$I->see('Contact', 'h1');
$I->see('Name cannot be blank');
$I->see('Email cannot be blank');
$I->see('Subject cannot be blank');
$I->see('Body cannot be blank');
$I->see('The verification code is incorrect');
$I->submitForm('#contact-form', array(
'ContactForm[name]' => 'tester',
'ContactForm[email]' => '',
'ContactForm[subject]' => 'test subject',
'ContactForm[body]' => 'test content',
'ContactForm[verifyCode]' => 'testme',
$I->dontSee('Name cannot be blank', '.help-inline');
$I->see('Email is not a valid email address.');
$I->dontSee('Subject cannot be blank', '.help-inline');
$I->dontSee('Body cannot be blank', '.help-inline');
$I->dontSee('The verification code is incorrect', '.help-inline');
$I->submitForm('#contact-form', array(
'ContactForm[name]' => 'tester',
'ContactForm[email]' => '',
'ContactForm[subject]' => 'test subject',
'ContactForm[body]' => 'test content',
'ContactForm[verifyCode]' => 'testme',
$I->see('Thank you for contacting us. We will respond to you as soon as possible.');
$I = new WebGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('ensure that home page works');
$I->see('My Company');
$I->see('This is the About page.');
$I = new WebGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('ensure that login works');
$I->see('Login', 'h1');
$I->submitForm('#login-form', array());
$I->dontSee('Logout (admin)');
$I->see('Username cannot be blank');
$I->see('Password cannot be blank');
$I->submitForm('#login-form', array(
'LoginForm[username]' => 'admin',
'LoginForm[password]' => 'wrong',
$I->dontSee('Logout (admin)');
$I->see('Incorrect username or password');
$I->submitForm('#login-form', array(
'LoginForm[username]' => 'admin',
'LoginForm[password]' => 'admin',
$I->see('Logout (admin)');
// This class was automatically generated by build task
// You can change it manually, but it will be overwritten on next build
// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
use Codeception\Maybe;
use Codeception\Module\PhpBrowser;
use Codeception\Module\WebHelper;
* Inherited methods
* @method void wantToTest($text)
* @method void wantTo($text)
* @method void amTesting($method)
* @method void amTestingMethod($method)
* @method void testMethod($signature)
* @method void expectTo($prediction)
* @method void expect($prediction)
* @method void amGoingTo($argumentation)
* @method void am($role)
* @method void lookForwardTo($role)
class WebGuy extends \Codeception\AbstractGuy
* Submits a form located on page.
* Specify the form by it's css or xpath selector.
* Fill the form fields values as array.
* Skipped fields will be filled by their values from page.
* You don't need to click the 'Submit' button afterwards.
* This command itself triggers the request to form's action.
* Examples:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->submitForm('#login', array('login' => 'davert', 'password' => '123456'));
* ```
* For sample Sign Up form:
* ``` html
* <form action="/sign_up">
* Login: <input type="text" name="user[login]" /><br/>
* Password: <input type="password" name="user[password]" /><br/>
* Do you agree to out terms? <input type="checkbox" name="user[agree]" /><br/>
* Select pricing plan <select name="plan"><option value="1">Free</option><option value="2" selected="selected">Paid</option></select>
* <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
* </form>
* ```
* I can write this:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->submitForm('#userForm', array('user' => array('login' => 'Davert', 'password' => '123456', 'agree' => true)));
* ```
* Note, that pricing plan will be set to Paid, as it's selected on page.
* @param $selector
* @param $params
* @see PhpBrowser::submitForm()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function submitForm($selector, $params) {
$this->scenario->action('submitForm', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* If your page triggers an ajax request, you can perform it manually.
* This action sends a POST ajax request with specified params.
* Additional params can be passed as array.
* Example:
* Imagine that by clicking checkbox you trigger ajax request which updates user settings.
* We emulate that click by running this ajax request manually.
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->sendAjaxPostRequest('/updateSettings', array('notifications' => true); // POST
* $I->sendAjaxGetRequest('/updateSettings', array('notifications' => true); // GET
* ```
* @param $uri
* @param $params
* @see PhpBrowser::sendAjaxPostRequest()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function sendAjaxPostRequest($uri, $params = null) {
$this->scenario->action('sendAjaxPostRequest', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* If your page triggers an ajax request, you can perform it manually.
* This action sends a GET ajax request with specified params.
* See ->sendAjaxPostRequest for examples.
* @param $uri
* @param $params
* @see PhpBrowser::sendAjaxGetRequest()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function sendAjaxGetRequest($uri, $params = null) {
$this->scenario->action('sendAjaxGetRequest', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Asserts that current page has 404 response status code.
* @see PhpBrowser::seePageNotFound()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function seePageNotFound() {
$this->scenario->assertion('seePageNotFound', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks that response code is equal to value provided.
* @param $code
* @return mixed
* @see PhpBrowser::seeResponseCodeIs()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function seeResponseCodeIs($code) {
$this->scenario->assertion('seeResponseCodeIs', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Adds HTTP authentication via username/password.
* @param $username
* @param $password
* @see PhpBrowser::amHttpAuthenticated()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function amHttpAuthenticated($username, $password) {
$this->scenario->condition('amHttpAuthenticated', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Low-level API method.
* If Codeception commands are not enough, use [Guzzle HTTP Client]( methods directly
* Example:
* ``` php
* <?php
* // from the official Guzzle manual
* $I->amGoingTo('Sign all requests with OAuth');
* $I->executeInGuzzle(function (\Guzzle\Http\Client $client) {
* $client->addSubscriber(new Guzzle\Plugin\Oauth\OauthPlugin(array(
* 'consumer_key' => '***',
* 'consumer_secret' => '***',
* 'token' => '***',
* 'token_secret' => '***'
* )));
* });
* ?>
* ```
* Not recommended this command too be used on regular basis.
* If Codeception lacks important Guzzle Client methods implement then and submit patches.
* @param callable $function
* @see PhpBrowser::executeInGuzzle()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function executeInGuzzle($function) {
$this->scenario->action('executeInGuzzle', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Opens the page.
* @param $page
* @see PhpBrowser::amOnPage()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function amOnPage($page) {
$this->scenario->condition('amOnPage', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Sets 'url' configuration parameter to hosts subdomain.
* It does not open a page on subdomain. Use `amOnPage` for that
* ``` php
* <?php
* // If config is: ''
* // or config is: ''
* // or config is: ''
* $I->amOnSubdomain('user');
* $I->amOnPage('/');
* // moves to
* ?>
* ```
* @param $subdomain
* @return mixed
* @see PhpBrowser::amOnSubdomain()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function amOnSubdomain($subdomain) {
$this->scenario->condition('amOnSubdomain', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Check if current page doesn't contain the text specified.
* Specify the css selector to match only specific region.
* Examples:
* ```php
* <?php
* $I->dontSee('Login'); // I can suppose user is already logged in
* $I->dontSee('Sign Up','h1'); // I can suppose it's not a signup page
* $I->dontSee('Sign Up','//body/h1'); // with XPath
* ```
* @param $text
* @param null $selector
* @see PhpBrowser::dontSee()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function dontSee($text, $selector = null) {
$this->scenario->action('dontSee', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Check if current page contains the text specified.
* Specify the css selector to match only specific region.
* Examples:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->see('Logout'); // I can suppose user is logged in
* $I->see('Sign Up','h1'); // I can suppose it's a signup page
* $I->see('Sign Up','//body/h1'); // with XPath
* ```
* @param $text
* @param null $selector
* @see PhpBrowser::see()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function see($text, $selector = null) {
$this->scenario->assertion('see', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks if there is a link with text specified.
* Specify url to match link with exact this url.
* Examples:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->seeLink('Logout'); // matches <a href="#">Logout</a>
* $I->seeLink('Logout','/logout'); // matches <a href="/logout">Logout</a>
* ```
* @param $text
* @param null $url
* @see PhpBrowser::seeLink()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function seeLink($text, $url = null) {
$this->scenario->assertion('seeLink', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks if page doesn't contain the link with text specified.
* Specify url to narrow the results.
* Examples:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->dontSeeLink('Logout'); // I suppose user is not logged in
* ```
* @param $text
* @param null $url
* @see PhpBrowser::dontSeeLink()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function dontSeeLink($text, $url = null) {
$this->scenario->action('dontSeeLink', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Perform a click on link or button.
* Link or button are found by their names or CSS selector.
* Submits a form if button is a submit type.
* If link is an image it's found by alt attribute value of image.
* If button is image button is found by it's value
* If link or button can't be found by name they are searched by CSS selector.
* The second parameter is a context: CSS or XPath locator to narrow the search.
* Examples:
* ``` php
* <?php
* // simple link
* $I->click('Logout');
* // button of form
* $I->click('Submit');
* // CSS button
* $I->click('#form input[type=submit]');
* // XPath
* $I->click('//form/*[@type=submit]')
* // link in context
* $I->click('Logout', '#nav');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $link
* @param $context
* @see PhpBrowser::click()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function click($link, $context = null) {
$this->scenario->action('click', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks if element exists on a page, matching it by CSS or XPath
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->seeElement('.error');
* $I->seeElement(//form/input[1]);
* ?>
* ```
* @param $selector
* @see PhpBrowser::seeElement()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function seeElement($selector) {
$this->scenario->assertion('seeElement', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks if element does not exist (or is visible) on a page, matching it by CSS or XPath
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->dontSeeElement('.error');
* $I->dontSeeElement(//form/input[1]);
* ?>
* ```
* @param $selector
* @see PhpBrowser::dontSeeElement()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function dontSeeElement($selector) {
$this->scenario->action('dontSeeElement', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Reloads current page
* @see PhpBrowser::reloadPage()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function reloadPage() {
$this->scenario->action('reloadPage', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Moves back in history
* @see PhpBrowser::moveBack()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function moveBack() {
$this->scenario->action('moveBack', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Moves forward in history
* @see PhpBrowser::moveForward()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function moveForward() {
$this->scenario->action('moveForward', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Fills a text field or textarea with value.
* @param $field
* @param $value
* @see PhpBrowser::fillField()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function fillField($field, $value) {
$this->scenario->action('fillField', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Selects an option in select tag or in radio button group.
* Example:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->selectOption('form select[name=account]', 'Premium');
* $I->selectOption('form input[name=payment]', 'Monthly');
* $I->selectOption('//form/select[@name=account]', 'Monthly');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $select
* @param $option
* @see PhpBrowser::selectOption()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function selectOption($select, $option) {
$this->scenario->action('selectOption', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Ticks a checkbox.
* For radio buttons use `selectOption` method.
* Example:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->checkOption('#agree');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $option
* @see PhpBrowser::checkOption()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function checkOption($option) {
$this->scenario->action('checkOption', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Unticks a checkbox.
* Example:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->uncheckOption('#notify');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $option
* @see PhpBrowser::uncheckOption()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function uncheckOption($option) {
$this->scenario->action('uncheckOption', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks that current uri contains a value
* ``` php
* <?php
* // to match: /home/dashboard
* $I->seeInCurrentUrl('home');
* // to match: /users/1
* $I->seeInCurrentUrl('/users/');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $uri
* @see PhpBrowser::seeInCurrentUrl()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function seeInCurrentUrl($uri) {
$this->scenario->assertion('seeInCurrentUrl', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks that current uri does not contain a value
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->dontSeeInCurrentUrl('/users/');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $uri
* @see PhpBrowser::dontSeeInCurrentUrl()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function dontSeeInCurrentUrl($uri) {
$this->scenario->action('dontSeeInCurrentUrl', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks that current url is equal to value.
* Unlike `seeInCurrentUrl` performs a strict check.
* <?php
* // to match root url
* $I->seeCurrentUrlEquals('/');
* ?>
* @param $uri
* @see PhpBrowser::seeCurrentUrlEquals()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function seeCurrentUrlEquals($uri) {
$this->scenario->assertion('seeCurrentUrlEquals', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks that current url is not equal to value.
* Unlike `dontSeeInCurrentUrl` performs a strict check.
* <?php
* // current url is not root
* $I->dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals('/');
* ?>
* @param $uri
* @see PhpBrowser::dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals($uri) {
$this->scenario->action('dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks that current url is matches a RegEx value
* <?php
* // to match root url
* $I->seeCurrentUrlMatches('~$/users/(\d+)~');
* ?>
* @param $uri
* @see PhpBrowser::seeCurrentUrlMatches()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function seeCurrentUrlMatches($uri) {
$this->scenario->assertion('seeCurrentUrlMatches', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks that current url does not match a RegEx value
* <?php
* // to match root url
* $I->dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches('~$/users/(\d+)~');
* ?>
* @param $uri
* @see PhpBrowser::dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches($uri) {
$this->scenario->action('dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* @see PhpBrowser::seeCookie()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function seeCookie($cookie) {
$this->scenario->assertion('seeCookie', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* @see PhpBrowser::dontSeeCookie()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function dontSeeCookie($cookie) {
$this->scenario->action('dontSeeCookie', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* @see PhpBrowser::setCookie()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function setCookie($cookie, $value) {
$this->scenario->action('setCookie', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* @see PhpBrowser::resetCookie()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function resetCookie($cookie) {
$this->scenario->action('resetCookie', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* @see PhpBrowser::grabCookie()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function grabCookie($cookie) {
$this->scenario->action('grabCookie', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Takes a parameters from current URI by RegEx.
* If no url provided returns full URI.
* ``` php
* <?php
* $user_id = $I->grabFromCurrentUrl('~$/user/(\d+)/~');
* $uri = $I->grabFromCurrentUrl();
* ?>
* ```
* @param null $uri
* @internal param $url
* @return mixed
* @see PhpBrowser::grabFromCurrentUrl()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function grabFromCurrentUrl($uri = null) {
$this->scenario->action('grabFromCurrentUrl', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Attaches file from Codeception data directory to upload field.
* Example:
* ``` php
* <?php
* // file is stored in 'tests/data/tests.xls'
* $I->attachFile('prices.xls');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $field
* @param $filename
* @see PhpBrowser::attachFile()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function attachFile($field, $filename) {
$this->scenario->action('attachFile', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks if option is selected in select field.
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->seeOptionIsSelected('#form input[name=payment]', 'Visa');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $selector
* @param $optionText
* @return mixed
* @see PhpBrowser::seeOptionIsSelected()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function seeOptionIsSelected($select, $text) {
$this->scenario->assertion('seeOptionIsSelected', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks if option is not selected in select field.
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->dontSeeOptionIsSelected('#form input[name=payment]', 'Visa');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $selector
* @param $optionText
* @return mixed
* @see PhpBrowser::dontSeeOptionIsSelected()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function dontSeeOptionIsSelected($select, $text) {
$this->scenario->action('dontSeeOptionIsSelected', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Assert if the specified checkbox is checked.
* Use css selector or xpath to match.
* Example:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // I suppose user agreed to terms
* $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('#signup_form input[type=checkbox]'); // I suppose user agreed to terms, If there is only one checkbox in form.
* $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('//form/input[@type=checkbox and @name=agree]');
* ```
* @param $checkbox
* @see PhpBrowser::seeCheckboxIsChecked()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function seeCheckboxIsChecked($checkbox) {
$this->scenario->assertion('seeCheckboxIsChecked', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Assert if the specified checkbox is unchecked.
* Use css selector or xpath to match.
* Example:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // I suppose user didn't agree to terms
* $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('#signup_form input[type=checkbox]'); // I suppose user didn't check the first checkbox in form.
* ```
* @param $checkbox
* @see PhpBrowser::dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked($checkbox) {
$this->scenario->action('dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks that an input field or textarea contains value.
* Field is matched either by label or CSS or Xpath
* Example:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->seeInField('Body','Type your comment here');
* $I->seeInField('form textarea[name=body]','Type your comment here');
* $I->seeInField('form input[type=hidden]','hidden_value');
* $I->seeInField('#searchform input','Search');
* $I->seeInField('//form/*[@name=search]','Search');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $field
* @param $value
* @see PhpBrowser::seeInField()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function seeInField($field, $value) {
$this->scenario->assertion('seeInField', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks that an input field or textarea doesn't contain value.
* Field is matched either by label or CSS or Xpath
* Example:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->dontSeeInField('Body','Type your comment here');
* $I->dontSeeInField('form textarea[name=body]','Type your comment here');
* $I->dontSeeInField('form input[type=hidden]','hidden_value');
* $I->dontSeeInField('#searchform input','Search');
* $I->dontSeeInField('//form/*[@name=search]','Search');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $field
* @param $value
* @see PhpBrowser::dontSeeInField()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function dontSeeInField($field, $value) {
$this->scenario->action('dontSeeInField', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Finds and returns text contents of element.
* Element is searched by CSS selector, XPath or matcher by regex.
* Example:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $heading = $I->grabTextFrom('h1');
* $heading = $I->grabTextFrom('descendant-or-self::h1');
* $value = $I->grabTextFrom('~<input value=(.*?)]~sgi');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $cssOrXPathOrRegex
* @return mixed
* @see PhpBrowser::grabTextFrom()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function grabTextFrom($cssOrXPathOrRegex) {
$this->scenario->action('grabTextFrom', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Finds and returns field and returns it's value.
* Searches by field name, then by CSS, then by XPath
* Example:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $name = $I->grabValueFrom('Name');
* $name = $I->grabValueFrom('input[name=username]');
* $name = $I->grabValueFrom('descendant-or-self::form/descendant::input[@name = 'username']');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $field
* @return mixed
* @see PhpBrowser::grabValueFrom()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function grabValueFrom($field) {
$this->scenario->action('grabValueFrom', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* @see PhpBrowser::grabAttribute()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function grabAttribute() {
$this->scenario->action('grabAttribute', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
// Here you can initialize variables that will for your tests
# Codeception Test Suite Configuration
# suite for functional (integration) tests.
# emulate web requests and make application process them.
# (tip: better to use with frameworks).
class_name: TestGuy
enabled: [Filesystem, TestHelper]
// This class was automatically generated by build task
// You can change it manually, but it will be overwritten on next build
// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
use Codeception\Maybe;
use Codeception\Module\Filesystem;
use Codeception\Module\TestHelper;
* Inherited methods
* @method void wantToTest($text)
* @method void wantTo($text)
* @method void amTesting($method)
* @method void amTestingMethod($method)
* @method void testMethod($signature)
* @method void expectTo($prediction)
* @method void expect($prediction)
* @method void amGoingTo($argumentation)
* @method void am($role)
* @method void lookForwardTo($role)
class TestGuy extends \Codeception\AbstractGuy
* Enters a directory In local filesystem.
* Project root directory is used by default
* @param $path
* @see Filesystem::amInPath()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function amInPath($path) {
$this->scenario->condition('amInPath', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Opens a file and stores it's content.
* Usage:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->openFile('composer.json');
* $I->seeInThisFile('codeception/codeception');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $filename
* @see Filesystem::openFile()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function openFile($filename) {
$this->scenario->action('openFile', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Deletes a file
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->deleteFile('composer.lock');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $filename
* @see Filesystem::deleteFile()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function deleteFile($filename) {
$this->scenario->action('deleteFile', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Deletes directory with all subdirectories
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->deleteDir('vendor');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $dirname
* @see Filesystem::deleteDir()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function deleteDir($dirname) {
$this->scenario->action('deleteDir', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Copies directory with all contents
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->copyDir('vendor','old_vendor');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $src
* @param $dst
* @see Filesystem::copyDir()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function copyDir($src, $dst) {
$this->scenario->action('copyDir', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks If opened file has `text` in it.
* Usage:
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->openFile('composer.json');
* $I->seeInThisFile('codeception/codeception');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $text
* @see Filesystem::seeInThisFile()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function seeInThisFile($text) {
$this->scenario->assertion('seeInThisFile', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks If opened file doesn't contain `text` in it
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->openFile('composer.json');
* $I->seeInThisFile('codeception/codeception');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $text
* @see Filesystem::dontSeeInThisFile()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function dontSeeInThisFile($text) {
$this->scenario->action('dontSeeInThisFile', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Deletes a file
* @see Filesystem::deleteThisFile()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function deleteThisFile() {
$this->scenario->action('deleteThisFile', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
* Checks if file exists in path.
* Opens a file when it's exists
* ``` php
* <?php
* $I->seeFileFound('UserModel.php','app/models');
* ?>
* ```
* @param $filename
* @param string $path
* @see Filesystem::seeFileFound()
* @return \Codeception\Maybe
* ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. !
* ! Documentation taken from corresponding module !
public function seeFileFound($filename, $path = null) {
$this->scenario->assertion('seeFileFound', func_get_args());
if ($this->scenario->running()) {
$result = $this->scenario->runStep();
return new Maybe($result);
return new Maybe();
// Here you can initialize variables that will for your tests
# Codeception Test Suite Configuration
# suite for unit (internal) tests.
class_name: CodeGuy
enabled: [CodeHelper]
// This class was automatically generated by build task
// You can change it manually, but it will be overwritten on next build
// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
use Codeception\Maybe;
use Codeception\Module\CodeHelper;
* Inherited methods
* @method void wantToTest($text)
* @method void wantTo($text)
* @method void amTesting($method)
* @method void amTestingMethod($method)
* @method void testMethod($signature)
* @method void expectTo($prediction)
* @method void expect($prediction)
* @method void amGoingTo($argumentation)
* @method void am($role)
* @method void lookForwardTo($role)
class CodeGuy extends \Codeception\AbstractGuy
// Here you can initialize variables that will for your tests
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ $this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title;
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(array(
'options' => array('class' => 'form-horizontal'),
'options' => array('class' => 'form-horizontal', 'id' => 'contact-form'),
'fieldConfig' => array('inputOptions' => array('class' => 'input-xlarge')),
)); ?>
<?php echo $form->field($model, 'name')->textInput(); ?>
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ $this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title;
<p>Please fill out the following fields to login:</p>
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(array('options' => array('class' => 'form-horizontal'))); ?>
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(array('options' => array('class' => 'form-horizontal', 'id' => 'login-form'))); ?>
<?php echo $form->field($model, 'username')->textInput(); ?>
<?php echo $form->field($model, 'password')->passwordInput(); ?>
<?php echo $form->field($model, 'rememberMe')->checkbox(); ?>
if (!in_array(@$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array('', '::1'))) {
die('You are not allowed to access this file.');
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true);
defined('YII_ENV') or define('YII_ENV', 'test');
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/yiisoft/yii2/yii/Yii.php');
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');
$config = require(__DIR__ . '/../config/web-test.php');
$application = new yii\web\Application($config);
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true);
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/yiisoft/yii2/yii/Yii.php');
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');
$config = require(__DIR__ . '/../config/main.php');
$config = require(__DIR__ . '/../config/web.php');
$application = new yii\web\Application($config);
......@@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ defined('YII_BEGIN_TIME') or define('YII_BEGIN_TIME', microtime(true));
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', false);
* This constant defines in which environment the application is running. Defaults to 'prod', meaning production environment.
* You may define this constant in the bootstrap script. The value could be 'prod' (production), 'dev' (development), 'test', 'staging', etc.
defined('YII_ENV') or define('YII_ENV', 'prod');
* This constant defines how much call stack information (file name and line number) should be logged by Yii::trace().
* Defaults to 0, meaning no backtrace information. If it is greater than 0,
* at most that number of call stacks will be logged. Note, only user application call stacks are considered.
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class CaptchaAction extends Action
public $fontFile = '@yii/web/SpicyRice.ttf';
* @var string the fixed verification code. When this is property is set,
* @var string the fixed verification code. When this property is set,
* [[getVerifyCode()]] will always return the value of this property.
* This is mainly used in automated tests where we want to be able to reproduce
* the same verification code each time we run the tests.
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