Commit 031fddd4 by Ivan Kolmycheck

GridView - error rendering scheme changed

parent 7eaf83ba
......@@ -214,9 +214,9 @@ class GridView extends BaseListView
* Renders the list of filterModel errors
* @inheritdoc
public function renderErrorsList()
public function renderErrors()
if ($this->filterModel instanceof Model && $this->filterModel->hasErrors())
......@@ -227,17 +227,8 @@ class GridView extends BaseListView
return Html::tag('div', Html::ul($errorsList, ['class' => 'help-block']), ['class' => 'has-error']);
return '';
* @inheritdoc
public function renderSummary()
$summary = parent::renderSummary();
$errorsList = $this->renderErrorsList();
return $summary . $errorsList;
return parent::renderErrors();
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